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Thought Wrong

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Everything posted by Thought Wrong

  1. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-01,GGLG:en&q=state+your+name+graffiti+torrent first one. im downloading right now. its gonna take a long ass while.
  2. Because one file is disc 1 and the other disc 2 From what I understand.
  3. Which ones are good? I dont wanna waste time and end up getting a failed class project.
  4. Kabar your in Houston? Im in the north area F.M. 1960. town = Spring Id like to meet you but Im still living with my parents and blah blah blah. Plus I wouldnt know what to talk about. Id rather just sit and listen, you know.
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Dude Bolo Yeung is mad underrated. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolo_Yeung http://home.clara.net/firstuniversal/bolo2.htm
  6. Lookin for All City the book Anyone?
  7. glad to be of service. but not in a gay way.
  8. go to order supplies and order form 1239
  9. Theres no need for the heat. Put that shit away. No paint? That shotti make up for your lack of paint? Get more stickers: http://www.DHL.com go to order supplies
  10. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> You ever start a sentence, then your mind trails off the point and finishes it the wrong way? .....yea
  11. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Its just an internet thing. Im guessing it has a list of sites or something. If I try to get to myspace I get a blocked page and the reason why ex: http://www.myspace.com chat/personals thats all i know. If I go to http://www.proxify.net I can get to myspace and other sites but it wont let me login but it bairley works and I have to do https:// so I dunno what else to say. I didnt quite understand what you said about making my own computer its own proxy server. Sorry I cant be much more help, Im not very comp technically knowledged.
  12. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD awwww^^ heartwarming He was gonna find out sooner or later that sometimes pussy slaps you in the face and youre just gonna have to accept it.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Im trying to bypass 8e6 technology blocking software at my school/work. I found a site but it wont let me sign in to my email and *cough* myspace *cough*. I would be gettin da mad props if I found such a way. 12oz Help me be popular. (EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE ALREADY COMES TO ME FOR THEIR MADDBOMBTAG DESIRES)
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD I use Adobe illustrator which is very easy to use. It comes with Adobe Photoshop which you can download to 'tryout' from http://www.adobe.com/products/tryadobe/main.jsp#product=39 Youll need .mpeg, .mpg or .mov file movies to capture a certain sequence. I recommend using the 'every 2nd frame' option cuz it takes up less space and lets it move faster. Once youve tried it out a few times it wont be hard at all. Youll see. Oh and the money lines etc were already there in the video. Ill be waiting here if have any more questions.
  15. Heist put in work + style. Thats perfection no matter where you go.
  16. use bbcode. click the button that looks like this and enter the url
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Gifs I made for the glassjaw.net/Head Automatica forum and a few others.
  18. sorry but this got buried, whatcha think. Quoted post [/b] Whens the last time you rocked a different style?
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