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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. i guess watch the height of ur letters and the widths. seems like they both increase as u move towards the right. ie the Ms longer then teh u and the us longer then the m. and the m is way wider than the rest of the other letters.
  2. im gonna fake yall out with actual pictures of me in Bangladesh...
  3. if u like war movies..even if u dont..really great movie.
  4. gingerbread man..tinychat is random...its mostly dead and then shit pops randomly.
  5. Yeyeye calig...hah the hunt was worth it...imma try to contribute to the collection.
  6. haters will hate..switch keep doing ur thing homie..got the dope styles.
  7. ok as per crits it looks like it says AAi...that being said fix the R so its distinguisable from the A, and since ur A, and N are capitalized for uniformities sake try a capital I...also the roman numeral 2 seems misplaced maybe add the 2 to a hand style of ari.. all this being said....i really think u shud start simpler and work ur way from there..
  8. ^smash the model in that video..tigr woods is a G.. yo ruckus u ever get that site to work..the only other option for collas wouldb be vandalsquad?
  9. regardless of ur arguement does wat u posted say AAI?
  10. grin i like where ur going with the first one. im glad that u also acknowledged ur influence on the letters for the second one... but the best way to understand letter structure is to practice simples as in different fonts....peep a fonts website and just practice em till they are indistinguishable...this really helps u understand constructing letters and building ur own fonts aka ur graff... in terms of tryin to bite other writers...dont do that..influence is fine but biting isnt so much..do look at as mcuh graff as u can when ur starting out to understand other ppls letters tho nokr..u dont needa use paint markers unless thats the only thing u have aroudn u..also same as above ..practice simples...a general thing abt ur lettersa re that they are inconsistent in widths ...i mean some areas are thicker than others..try to make em consistent
  11. solid throws sank. i dont know wat i think abt the hand throw thing. im conflicted depn..space out ur letters atm so they dont overlap..dont need to give ur outline an outline. that lil curve thta seen in the top of the d,e,p although consistent make it look wierd. esp since its not also on the n...i guess wat im trying to say(although i hate saying this) is practice some simple fonts before trying to get that complex.also ur hands are very rigid..my hands sucks but my advice on that is just do letters like u wud do in school.
  12. WOW RUCKUS! wow....hopefully ppl notice the pic of dao sank im feelin the hand tho.
  13. wat was this epicness or are yall gonna keep it 2 urselvs.
  14. dang cannot compete with you mofos!!! ill shit
  15. ^This guy knows wat hes talking abt.
  16. kele really feeling the throw man.
  17. i liked qs suggestion of a symbols battle.
  18. are u srsly dude?! just cuz its 3d doesnt make it look like daim
  19. i like the one liner..but try that again except dont make it a one liner. like the letters on teh ocean ha.
  20. ha symbols battle? really interesting concept..havent really seen distorted versions of numbers or symbols...or even foreign alphabets for that matter.
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