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Everything posted by Asiquan

  1. Corny homey. You obviously know where I'm from and I don't even know who you are as a writer. I don't post photos...........but I also don't blather on incessantly over bullshit either. That whole metalheads comment might mean something if I actually knew who was trying to throw stones in a glass house.
  2. Well........I'm out fellas! Back to the real world!
  3. I'm not putting anyone down. I just said to please spare us the "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy...........and post some pictures. Graffiti is fun to me. Putting that much thought into something isn't. Not everything..........just shit as mindless as going out and writing graffiti. That's great that you know my graffiti. I'm just another dude like everyone else and I TOO have been looking at graffiti since I was a wee tot! My point is that too much psycho-analyzation of such stupid shit is redundant. If you're not a piece of shit washed up writer/loser........then let it be water off a ducks back homey. If the shoe don't fit..........then don't try to put it on. This site is good, yes. I'm not knocking dudes opinion. I'm just saying that there's a difference between beating a dead horse and overstating how NOT DOPE Seattle is anymore..........and having a full on Aztec sacrificial ceremony with warpaint and outfits to throw the figurative carcas of the Seattle scene to the Graffiti Gods on a fucking forum. Come on homey...........go and read his posts!!!! It's all I fucking hear outta the guy. If I want some serious shit to read on the internet.........I'll go to CNN and read about the fucking recession not the NW SuperThreadVol298!!!
  4. I liked seeing GOSA stuff years ago. I'm not trying to shove opinions on anyone. I'm just saying......."It is what it is." Too much overanalyzing shit will drive a man insane! Ever try to figure a woman out? "Are you mad? no? Ok then......would you say that you're kinda like half mad and maybe half sad with a side of "grumpy" thrown in?" Who the fuck cares? She's being a bitch! A bitch is a bitch is a bitch. If it sucks here..........then it sucks here! PotatO......PAtato........ Same shit.........different toilet bowl!!!!
  5. Bro...........for the sake of conversation........how much energy out of your life do you actually put into thinking about Seattle and the graffiti here? I mean.........hours out of the day? You can give me a ten year average per diem if you like. You spend a lot of time talking about it and debating peoples views on some horribly toy bullshit at times. Why? No one cares. Since........whoever you are........you've been around for a minute.........I'd figure that you'd grow out of giving a flying fuck about putting insight and thought into articulating your newest theory on what's wrong with Seattle as a scene! Bottom line..........it sucks. The vets are done. The California writers had fun and went home. The train yards suck on average. Plenty of writers that ARE older and still around are fucking loser junky lames. I mean really.........it simply is what it is. Hypothesis over. Move on. Fuck the future. You're not doing them any good by mysteriously/halfway educating them over the internet. You're making it easy for young kids to FRONT on what they didn't see and what they don't know. It needs to be like it used to be. Someone older than you schooled you in person and took you under their wing. Not clickityclackclacking on a keyboard to 12oz your way outta toy level douchebaggery! I'm just saying.........give it a rest bro. You've done your thing. Stop pontificating SO GODDAMN HARD on such a fucking retarded subject. :o You're hurting my brain. Set up a class with these kids if that's what you're trying to do. No offense but sweet jesus you're killing me here! XO
  6. Yeah.........this is fucking hilarious sarcasm btw. :huh:
  7. Are there any writers that actually reside there?
  8. Word! Fuck ORLANDO! That place licks the fattest, harriest, sweatiest ballsack EVER!!!! Worst time spent in my entire life was spent there for a few days! HORRIBLE! I remember getting on the plane.......pissed the fuck off that I even wasted time in that shithole!
  9. Deviks, Gets and Bozo is all I know! Them dudes are the dopest ever! They're all from a sunny place far away from me. Hospitable dudes and fresh writers too!
  10. That HOD wall with Spoil, Ming, Hore and Lynus is bangin' something serious!!! Wow!
  11. I like the PEAR and AREK team up. Kinda like the AREKCON combo at the Berlin show. fresh!!!!
  12. And another one bites the dust..........It went down last night, beiiiitch!!!
  13. Leg humping? Wigga please! You need to ask about Size 21's Heath Ledger looking ass! Brokeback Mountain all up in this bitch!!!! :lol:
  14. Wow........this is nuts to hear! Massive respect. Rest In Piece!
  15. ^^^^^^^^ WTF does a TOKEN train have to do with the NW? More like SW!
  16. I don't get it still..........but ok.
  17. Cute? Wow........thanks. I always wanted to have my graffiti referred to as CUTE. That's touching. :confused:
  18. The 101 takes a lot longer for you to just meander on up the coast. If you're going for scenery........take it. If you're trying to see the BIG cities instead of the coastal tourist shit........stick to the 5!
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