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Everything posted by xen

  1. I am about to embark on a serious archive project in, I guess you'd say, a knee jerk reaction to megaupload being taken down. I have made 4.5 TB of physical backup of my files(external hard drives stacked in a closet. No RAID or anything remotely sophisticated) but would like a suggestion of where to store it online at a reasonable cost for the long haul. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in 3 years. Seedbox? Cloud? Burn to DVD? Suggestions? I have been on this for a while but am now interested in redundancy. - computerilliterateoner
  2. nonsense. kim dotcom with vanity plates that read stoned? guilty? c'mon son. RIP Megaupload https://torrentfreak.com/megaupload-shut-down-120119/
  3. xen

    Head On!

    I thought I figured it out but it gave me a headache. If only I knew where to apply :(
  4. xen


    you must spread some reputation before giving it to cutyourself again. that deus is hot.
  5. Toiletseat is down to 9 tampons?? NONSENSE
  6. Anyone know of a good, password protected, free pastebin? I've tried a couple and for whatever odd reason, it was still publicly visible. Thanks.
  7. I really need to remember to check in every now and then. walloftextyouguysuck.jpg
  8. http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/
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