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Everything posted by test

  1. the ink recipe super thread should be now called "the giant pool of idiots." admins please close this thread. it should be read only. there's nothing else to say here.
  2. bumsuck, i had meant methylene blue when i said gentian blue, jsut got a little criss crossed. i was aware garvey makes blue ink also but i had remembered reading somewhere that only their violet and red is any good, and personally i don't like red. maybe i'm mixed up with feibings? i dunno who cares. omen you said the pigment marsh is thin so does it dry fast? like i said most of my stuff that gets buffed happens within a day or so; if it rides for a few days and then they try a buff it's usually good for a while longer. preciate the knowledge. im def gonna order some white marsh and figure out some dope colors. peace.
  3. omen the reason i was inquiring about the black dye type marsh mixed with garvey is not because of staining power, but for color. i like the violet of garvey but sometimes i prefer darker shades or all out black. also, i mentioned i added pilot to my ink. this is primarily ot amke the ink dry faster. garvey is a little on the slow side, most of my tags that get fully buffed happen within a day of putting it up because the ink doesn't fully dry and get up in there quick enough. i started putting in a generous amount of pilot, which dries quicker in my experience, and htis helped a good bit. you mentioned white pigment marsh as a good base for making other colors. i'm curious if you have ever tried mixing it with addivtives i.e. gentian violet? i'm trying to figure out a nice strong dope looking blueish ink. i'm gonna order some white marsh formt he site you sent (by the way props for that link). i'm thinking of a mix of marsh, a little bit of garvey, and gentian blue. also, does the white marsh mix alright with paint?
  4. omen i see you don't too much dig the ban roll on deodorant because the ball doesn't pop off easily. here's my rememdy for anyone who can't find the arrid. take a sharp knife and stab a whole right through the ball. then grab some pliers and grip inside the tear and yank the ball out. if any of the rim bends slightly, you should be able to shape it back up with the pliers or your hand. pour out the deodorant, or try using some of it first you smelly bastard, and bam, a nice carcuss for a dope mop. omen, couple questiosn for you since you seem to be the wise man here. have you ever tried a mix of violet garv xt70 with marsh black dye type? i have done a close to half and half mixture of xt70 with black pilot, enough pilot so that the ink comes out black. shit stains hard as hell indoor and outdoor, but fades just a little in the sun, so i'm wondering if dye type marsh would be any better than the pilot. second question is have you used black pigment marsh with garv? i usually bomb with one light color for dark surfaces and a dark color for light surfaces, usually an otr with garv/pilot and a ban/eraser mop with silver rusto/mineral spirits/dot3. seems to me white marsh with garv would be more on the lighter side, so is the back as good as the white? also how does the pigment ink do by itself? preciate the wisdom. peace
  5. usueurname nice progression on that canvas. neat to see it go stage by stage, but i think you did it in the wrong order. shrug, that shit is mad willy dopeness. keep it up
  6. buff proof? too bad that tag scks then :-P
  7. seoner, as far as i know, the only difference between otr hard to buffs and the otr paint markers is that the paint marker has a mixing ball in it. you can drop a marble or a metal ball or even a ball bearing from a skateboard wheel or a duncan fireball yoyo or whatever in there. the best thing to do is experiment. take a cup and put some of the paint in and try thinning it down with different things. if you want it to flow well through most any kind of nib, you want it to be thin, close to the consistency of water, but not to the point that it loses color. stir it up i've used permanent acrylic paint thinned with rubbing alcohol and it worked pretty damn well. It isn't too difficult to clean or buff up, but it resists weather, and it's cheap. most shit gets buffed anyway. some other advice, i've seen people on here say use part of a sock as a nib. i tried it, shit was ridiculously crappy. i got pissed and threw the mop away. stick to felt or some kind of foam/sponge. peace.
  8. sharpie makes the silver markers, that ink is pretty nice, no idea what it is, but it doesn't seem like paint. that white stuff sounds like shoe polish, i had some once that did the exact same thing, i tossed it before i wnet out with it. about seeing color on ink, i have to agree that it doesn't really matter. i usually mix garvey and some kind of dark stain that dries faster, like pilot or whatever. if you want color, use paint. thin it down right so it runs well and it won't look like shit. tada.
  9. so what's the difference in uses for xylene/mineral spirits? different thinners for different bases? i know you use water for latex paint. most paint's probably say what to thin it with on the bucker. aluminum rusto says mineral spirits. homemade krink :-) anyone got a breakdown on what thinners for what kinds of paint?
  10. Alirhgt look there on the picture. I told you how on the ink thread, but anyway. Grab a pair of rubber or leather gloves, or tighten a rubber band around the part I circled in the image, forr good grip. twist that motherfucker counter-clockwise so it will screw off, or hold it tight and twist the bottom clockwise. ANyway you'll feel like you're about to break it, because in actuality you're breaking the shit it's sealed with. After that you pull out the little pump and dump their crappy ink out and add your own stuff. Have fun.
  11. I'm not sure for the .070 but I've got a couple .170's (htb mini) and I hjad the same trouble. They unscrew in the middle jsut below the cap. I had to grab a pair of gloves to und them the first time, those bitches are covered in some kind of sealent on the inside that you gotta break free. Just grab a pair of rubber or leather gloves and twist it in the middle where it looks like it should come off.
  12. yeah and i think if it gets on your ksin it won't burn, will jsut absorb to the bones and deteroriate them. bad stuff. i wouldn't reccomend anyone use it. it's dangerous and looks like shit anyway
  13. As far as I know, some surfaces, i.e. glass, are fairly easy to clean and pretty difficult to stain permanently. It is probably non-porous so it doesn't absorb the molecules of ink/stain. The same applies to paint which can be fairly easily cleaned off glass and many plastics. Do they sell glass stainer anywhere, like you would use for stain glass windows? or is that shit mixed in whent the glass is manufactured?
  14. this kid spilled some grape soda at school yesterday on the breka room table. he waited a while ot clean it up and there was a nice stain left behind where it spilled. one of those slick coated wood tables desks and shit are amde out of that pencil barely shows on and ball point pens are worthless on. anyone ever tried colored soda in an ink? or maybe food color... some fizzy grape mops would be rockin
  15. team th wreck watever you go buy, those stickers are ill kid. aint nothign wrong with doing characters if you aint diggin your letters. i'd stick to stickers no pun intended, but yeah those stickers are dope, style original. simple it down some and get it down nice and neat. dope characters tho peace
  16. I'vew read some recipes for homemade ink with india ink in them, in here I think maybe on bboy.org or something. I think it was a recipe with carbon paper and shit lemme see... nah I cna't find it. I don't konw shit about indian ink though jsut dump it in with some other stuff see if it's any good.
  17. seoner just try some out and see if you like. I like garvey with black pilot works fine for me. look to be honest it hardly fuckin' matters. anything can be buffed if they want to enough. you just gotta get up nigga. up up up that's the only way. just rock the garvey/pilot/marsh mixes. personally for mops i like permanent acrylic paints thinned down, good variety of colors, cheap, and rockin'. yeah. nuff said. this thread has everyhting you could think. heap you should delete all the questions and repeats and leave it to jsut recipes and all.
  18. Cancer? what? dude it's a tiny paint marker. Open your windows, turn a fan on, and melt the shit, doint boil it till it vaporizes. hell you could prolly do it in a microwave. If you're worried about cancer from melting a handful of paint, what are you gonna do with a can of krylon? Get your nasa suit and hit up a sterile vacuum or something? lol you gotta chilllll and do the damn thing. going to park grills and shit is mad ridiculous.
  19. tre the trick to the otr flowpen ink is that it's really thin so it runs through easier. any other ink you use just htinned down would be the same. Read throgh here ot see what you cant hin em with I forgot all but it jsut depends what the base of the ink/paint is. Alcohol, paint thinner, mineral spirits, water for latex paint I think, all just depends on what you're working with.. yeah someone who knows about what you use to thin different based stains/inks/paints post it together that'd be dope. peace
  20. fa sho. aand dude trying to melt the markers. uhh, how about a fucking stove or microwave? heh
  21. Is this Rusto dude for real? Seriously someone must be acting him as a joke of some sort, or else he's the definite number one fucktard of 12oz... holy sheesh
  22. aw man those pics are too small I can barely see em
  23. Noiz, try felt, cotton materials... things that will soak up liquid... foamy stuff, order nibs on other sites. why not the chalkboard or sock? works great for everyone else.
  24. As far as I know marsh K grade is not as good as T grade. I have read some places that T is the only one even worth working wit as far as gettin' up outdoors.
  25. I haven't tried many of the recipes off here specifically. I remember once I mixed some kiwi black dye, break fluid, kiwi scuff, highlighter, and a good number of the tags still stand, even thougha few on here otld me it'd be shit. urned out pretty well and very drippy on cement I've mixed garvy and OTR HTB black and have had good results, it jsut takes a long time to dry. Those of you knocking on the garvey might but putting too much, making it take longer to dry. You gotta remember that. I haven't used marsh or nero but I know the pilot i have used dries a lot faster than hard to buff and garvey. Just ogtta find that good balance. A lot of peple use break fluid ot make it corrosive and all, and I sya you gotta limit that because it definitelyt hinders drying time. I'm not sure it's even worht putting in there, maybe just a few drops.
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