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Everything posted by RoboThruster

  1. a few of my friends just got back from europe. They said when they were strapped for cash and want to get out of some city (either in germany or france I can't remember which) they just tried to board a train out of there and when questioned by transit authorities caused a big scene yelling in angry australian accents. Apparently it worked. So if you get stranded...you know what to do.
  2. what do you expect when I said my ex girl flashed me? That she pinned me to her bed and made me motorboat her ? That fro's giving you brain damage kid. On a side note. I should say I'm not normally so harsh with people. This story was actually meant to be a lead up to a general rant about how I've been living these past couple months (and the general increase of harshness thats come with it). But alas I have other things to do at the moment. Maybe later.
  3. So a few nights ago I bump into this guy who I thought was my ex's new boyfriend having dinner with a bunch of mutual friends. Because its been sometime since I dated this girl and things (atleast on my part) really don't feel awkward I joined. Now this dude isn't the boldest guy I've met, I get the impression he's quite timid and that I used to make him feel alittle uncomfortable. Thats ok with me though, I mean no ones perfect so I just try and be polite whenever I see him. He had this weird thing about staring me in the eye when we talked because I think he felt like he had something to prove. When he realised I was getting weirded out by the whole thing and I shot him a "whats your deal?" kind of look, he relaxed, so it was all good. So things are gravy for awhile. I'm sitting there eating some food talking to this guy (who is no longer looking at me like we're in some kind of kung fu showdown) about creative writing and its all going well. Then my ex girl friend shows up. Now I don't give a fuck. I just carry as per usual. But my man who I'm going to call Kung Fu Ronald, goes all quiet and starts kind of staring at his plate. I offer my ex girl some of my food because she had her eye on it (not thinking of it as anything suggestive or whatever). And this poor guy looks at me like I've just stolen his teddy bear or something. My ex girl is all like "Thanks Dearest" And I not noticing the emphasis on dearest just say that its all good. Normally I like to think I'd pick up on this kind of stuff, but I hadn't slept properly for a couple days and was a bit out of it. Anyway so I keep talking to my ex causally, and within minutes this guy has gotten up with a hurt look on his face and excused himself. Now I'm wondering what the hells going on because as far as I know these two are still going out or whatever. So Ron's like bye and I'm like "later Ronarldo, take it easy nigga" and my ex girl is like "see you around dude" without so much as a peck goodbye or anything. Now things make sense because I know from previous experience that she starts calling guys dude after they've had some retarded break up. I'm indifferent to all of this ofcourse. If anything I just feel alittle sorry for Ronald. I hang out for a bit make more small talk throw some peas at my ex girl because she's starting to annoy me then leave. Now I see her about today. Again with mutual friends. We're talking and she's got a new bikini on underneath her clothes. She's kind of half flashing one of her girlfriends in a playful fashion and then she turns to me and fucking thrusts her boobs in my face (it was quick, but I'm pretty sure I saw some nipple). I just look at her like "what the hell was that?" . Meanwhile she's touching me and saying silly things. This goes on for awhile and then the topic of marriage comes up. She's got this joke with one of her girls that they are going to get marriend. Her friend says to me "She wants to marry me but I don't want her". I look at my ex with a face of disgust and say " I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to either". Everyone, including my ex just ignores to comment and talks about random stuff. I walk off shortly afterwards. The end.
  4. This made me laugh. I don't either. One time last year I ate some on a burger by accident though and it messed with my guts a bit. It just felt really unnatural sitting in my stomach and made me have a few stomach cramps and shit. Doesn't sound as bad as your deal.
  5. I remember visiting some third world country and being offered a glass of that stuff with water and lime. It was off the fucking hook. I ended up consuming a whole bottle in a day and a half.
  6. I'd like to defend myself but I have kind of jumped the gun, I just heard that song "talk to me, dance with me" a while back. I liked that. Fuck knows about the rest of their songs.
  7. Anyone know these guys? They are pretty good.
  8. That last one kind of looks like its thrusting its pelvis back and forth. This is a good thing.
  9. What type of guy not only acts like a dick, but acknowledges the fact that they are a dick in their username? It's not even funny slapstick dicklike behaviour. Its genuwine dickness. It's all too elaborate. Serum- thanks for the feedback. That was actually pretty helpful. I'm going to go talk to some travel agencies this week. Might hit you up after that.
  10. What would really be good is if some people can recommend some good companies or exchange programs to look at. Or you could just keep saying random shit. Either way.
  11. Yeah I didn't really make this thread as a serious piece of research. Thanks though. I'm still looking into the whole thing I'll make my descision from there.
  12. if no ones said it yet, drinking heaps of water and then pissing heaps is a sign of diabetes. if you got insolen relatives you might want to check it.
  13. I'm aware of the country town problem as a possible scenario. And the poorly spelt cliche's were just me mucking about. I think your reading way too much into my post. Anyway. I have a Bachelor's degree in English Literature. Checking the place out before I go isn't really an option for me, simply because I don't have the bling or the time. I like sooShi ... does that help? :rolleyes:
  14. The tittle pretty much says it all. Have any of y ou done this before? So far I've checked out the JET and AEON programs. It would probably be for about a year. Recommendations? Advice? Comments on Japan? Write a Hykoo about me ? Don't playa hate, articulate.
  15. Rabbit in your headlights - UNKLE ft that guy from radiohead. Man that shit angeries up my blood.
  16. I've been doing the exact same shit last few days. Partly because of girls and partly because motherfuckers have been keeping me up till ridiculous hours. Just do all the things people are telling to you do and maybe find something to help you into put all your girl troubles into perspective. (It can easier said than done. I've been looking at contreversial adds by united colours of beneton in lectures. One showed a woman morning her dead son moments after he'd been shot by the mafia in italy. Another showed an african hitman carrying the thigh bone of one of his victims as a trophy. I also went drinking with a bunch of 3rd world mofo's last night. Kind of makes you remember not to waste your time getting wound up over bullshit)
  17. I forgot to say. Thanks for the reply's. Some of them were cool. Carry on.
  18. Update- So when I first made this thread I wasn't sure exactly how I was getting down.. There is also this other girl I've been getting to know. She's alittle older and a bit more mature and accepting of certain things (it should be noted. I've always liked girls with some bad streak or another. Its one my vices). Anyway they are both incredible each in their own way. So I made up my mind to take the older one out and just see how things go. Then decide who I should be chasing from there. So next night, I'm just chilling out taking care of some ish in the library at the place where we're both studying and she walks in. We say hi but she's kind of hard pressed to get some work done (and I've been keeping her up talking the past couple of nights till the wee hours in the morn since we live so close together). So I leave her to it. (To a certain extent I'm thinking its best not to let things esculate with her until I know what I'm doing) She's at a desk near me and I'm on the computers trying to enrol in some classes. This is how we roll for a few hours until these two indian dudes come in that we both know. They aren't bad guys, they are just fun loving stoner types, but when we first were introduced to each other one of them was hitting on this girl with a quickness so there was alittle competition about it. So these guys are acting kind of ridiculouse and the girl says "Robo, save me" . Not wanting to come off too heavy I just kind of smile and shrug. After they start talking again I walk up and sit with them and make small talk to scare them off. ("hey whats up with that stamp on your hand man? Where did you boys go tonight?" etc.) She thanks me and we end up staying up all night. Again. I show her some graff photos on some website and I wait with her while she finishes her work. Then I walk her as far as our paths home co-incide. 5 minutes after I walk in the door she calls me. She says "Thanks for waiting with me. It was really sweet of you. *pause* you know, I didn't reject you. I don't want you thinking that". I let her know things are fine. We make some small talk then I ask if she wants me to come over and talk about it. She like "no no no ...its late". So I lie down, think for another 5 minutes decide that "no its late" means "yes but I'm too shy to say it", get up brush my teeth and head on over intent on giving her that belated "seal the deal" kiss. She doesn't answer, saw her again today and it turns out she was saying her prayers. Now what is the point of this update? It was all awkward and weird today. And that night the "well I'll see how things go" turned into "shit I need to be getting live with this girl". So here I am with feelings for this random brown girl, and things are starting to feel weird because they've been lingering too long. Its ridiculous I feel like a fucking teenager or something. I guess I'll bump into her tommorrow and see how things are. Never the less its annoying as fuck when things like this happen. end update
  19. you can leave comments as well by the way. Leave comments or die horrible horrible deaths.
  20. Long story short. Lately I've been hanging with this girl who's grown up on a punjabi continent. She's in my country to study and is absolutely gorgeous. After a whole lot of talking and silly ish she explained to me that she couldn't have a relationship with me due to cultural differences. That is to say... a nigga can't get a kiss without a dowry out in this piece. (This probably makes her whole deal sound backwards and primitive but she's really quite together. Its just the way things are over there). Anyway Robo is like fine, whatever, I've been rejected. I'll get over it and we can just be friends. But then the plot thickens when she mentions ... her secret ex boyfriend. She says shit like "Having a secret boyfriend can be...more fun" and what not. To get on with it, I got that "you should kiss me now to seal the deal" vibe from her most of the night and a kind of "your such a dickhead for not kissing me" vibe when I just grimaced and said goodbye. But I still left it. (I could have easily chased after her and done that shit). Why? Because I'm at a point where I'm pretty much a grown man. I'm not sure if running around all secretly, hiding from a super protective older brother who's the same age as myself is something I can do while holding my head up high. (She while being awesome in so many ways, is clearly not at this same point in her life). That and there are other girls in my life who I'm not sure about yet. On the other hand, she's a beautifull and intelligent young woman. If this shit is a problem for her maybe I should comprimise. After all you can find something to be fucked up about in almost any situation. Vote now or die horrible horrible deaths.
  21. Day 2 - After curling in a super fetal position all night shivering from the cold. I wake up and begin tormenting my host to get out of bed and start showing my ass around (I'm cool like that). I play blast sex machine by James Brown and chuckle as the words "Get on Upppaa" echo through his room while he slams his pillow over his hung over melon head and groans. We get our shit together then end up in the little vietnam of this city where we buy the most awesome beef, chicken, basil, chilli and bean sprout soup ever. I buy some thai red bull (its like normal red bull but in a concertrated syrup) to help combat the shitty tiredness being super cold in the fetal position all night will bring. I also put up some stickers and weird out some local viets who are like "what the shit is this round eyed gwai-lo fucker doin?!" We end up travelling to the local hip hop shop and I have this weird stand-offish interaction with the shop keeper while he asks me about the scene in my local city. I buy a fuck load of paint and me and my friend then proceed to roll around all day buying random cheap fill tins, putting up stickers (plus shifty day time tags where I can get away with them) and cracking jokes. Finally I end up at these abandoned silo towers where we do quick pieces in the vanishing sunlight. I remind myself to come back to this place and climb up to the top before I leave. During the day I have also called up all the graffito tagging hook ups my people have given me to contact when I arrive in this city. One of them, the one who I know the most about is never answering his phone.( he's good friends with my boy frog face who a very few some of you may remember from a story I posted on this forum way back about strippers fighting drunk girls). The other one who I have atleast drunkenly bumped into around my own city is actually over there on a holiday while I'm visiting. And so lastly I resign to call up this dude who I know from ......12ozprophet. This dude is the only one who answers to the call to duty and says we should go painting during the night. Now usually when it comes to graffiti I'm very reserved with people. I certainly do not go and paint with writers who I've randomly met on the internet like that. In fact I seldom go with people I've randomly met properly and shit. But I'm in a different city and I've talked to this guy on the internet alot so I figure "what the fuck, if things aren't kosher I can just jump a taxi home". So I call this guy we arrange to meet in the central business district. Me and my melon headed friend (who will from now on be reffered to as melon head in this story ) figure out our colour schemes and all that jazz, then bounce to the train station to go into the city. To be continued.
  22. I thought I should atleast try and finish day one. It turns out George is a circus freak. George makes his money by traveling around to schools and teaching kids circus stuff. He also is in the process of making a hip hop album. So we bypass all the weird shit he has in the middle of his big warehouse space and go to his studio out the back. He tells me how his live show includes fire juggling and shit and we kick some freestyles while I sketch up stickers to use while I site see during the day. I meet up with my old friend whom I'm going to be staying with and we head out from there. We go to some random open mic night and I'm eventually called upon to get up. There aren't many people there, so it really me standing up on a podium looking around maybe 20 people rapping at them while they drink and kind of bob their heads in a half awake kind of way. Fucking ace. We drink more and more.We Meet some girls.And we Meet somel weirdos. This includes one who screamed "YEAH FUCKING STAUNCH ! STTTAAAAAAAUUUNNNNCCCHH!!" When he saw I was reasonably confident on stage aswell as another who kept kind of dancing by himself and following us around. Eventually the two had some falling out and went down some alley to settle it. Staunch. I also scammed some free drinks from some Scottish guy by challenging him to a drinking compitition. All in all a pretty average day one. To Be Continued.
  23. Now that I have your attention, here's alittle log of my holiday to another city. If anyone happened to bump into me during these travels and figures out who I am. Do me a favour and be hush about it. Day 1- I get off the plane, my phone is dead. The on and off button was broken and while I intended on just keeping it on during the flight some goon called me right before take off. I talked my way into getting the flight attendant to leave me alone and probably could of just kept that shit on. But this old lady next to me looked ridiculously uncomfortable. I could tell she wanted to call the flight attendant back, even though she wasn't going to. So I take the battery out and make some polite small talk about how annoying my old phone is. She suggested I smash it. So here I am, in a new city with no phone. Luckily I had the sense to get a contact number out before detonation. I make calls, meet up with people, drop my bags off, before I know it I'm eating ridiculously cheap pizza in some dome that when you talk sound reverberates all weird. The urge to vandalise in a new city is strong and I find my self seriously considering tagging the backpacks of schools kids and they push me to the back of a crowded train. We go to some dudes house who I will call Jungle George. I walk into Georges house and find a full size trampoline smack bang in the doorway. I look further and notice some gym ropes and shit. .... To be continued. And yes the tittle does have some relevance to my journey. So no bickering about it. Bitches.
  24. Calpis Water is where its at. For those who don't know. Shits like what you'de get if you mixed lemonade with vanilla ice cream. Its like BAM!
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