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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. Probably end up on their Pee Chee folders, book covers, and closet doors
  2. Had lunch here today. After the burger, onion rings, and a beer AND the cover band* next door was much too loud... I forgot to order the banana pudding. * the cover band MC saw a kid walking by in his Michael Myers costume and kept yelling out to him on the mic, "Hey Jason, I see you Jason... Jason" The kid's mom had to yell back, "Michael Myers!" Cover band MC douche
  3. Probably, or they go to the shopping mall / department store trick-or-treat programs
  4. 7-11 size candy bars! Awesome Halloween house on the block
  5. Thanks, I'll tell my homies that made them
  6. They do. I see and hear them walking away and saying, "which one did you get?" "I got this one" ... etc. Yeah, they're stoked
  7. oh man that's the good sht. Lucky kids on your block
  8. which brings me to the another reason why Halloween and trick-or-treating is so great. All the hot Moms in their hottest costume they could get away with leaving the house showing up with their kids
  9. Yeah lost art. The last time we got egged, they dropped the egg, one single egg, way out on the sidewalk in front of the house... lame! Kids don't even know how to creatively fck sht up anymore. We even handed out candy that year
  10. We've been handing out character stickers. People I know make them so I support them. No diabetes or cavities from our house kids
  11. Add the baby from the Zadezhda kit to "The Happy Couple"
  12. Just improving the eye sockets of a figure this morning
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