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Everything posted by infect

  1. A million pounds. Give or take. Somewhere in the range of 20-25. We picked him up from PetSmart this weekend. It was the best idea ever. I still love kittens though.
  2. Your cat ain't got shit on my cat. Danger.
  3. shit talk is gay. keep it out this thread. bump the homie sumoe.
  4. Stab and twist. A little hint about what your getting for your birthday. That and the same gift I gave you for christmas that one that keeps on giving.
  5. Happy Birthday. If you piss in my bed I will throw you to the streets. No probably not Ill just make you cry with harsh words. Im not a fan of sleeping in piss. Stabbing people in the face sounds tuff but youre not as tuff as you would seem. A little bit of harsh words and the salty tears are a flowing.
  6. Have a Horrible Day all day everyday
  7. Nice to see alot of these flicks Ive never seen before. Heres a few.
  8. Its sad the way your mom trys to ignore the fact your dad is smoking crack in the back yard by baking cookies and making us read scriptures.
  9. Holy Diver owns you bro. Its time to get dudeical to the max.
  10. Is it really a suprise to you? They were in tony halk pro skater and that came out long before guitar hero. Not to mention Ive seen the video for institutionalized on mtv2
  11. one time I was shitting in this girls mouth while she was singing puff the magic dragon. Needless to say quite awkward.
  12. But you told me I couldnt get it i put it in your behind. LIAR.
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