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yeaaaah baby

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Everything posted by yeaaaah baby

  1. yayayyaya! grammar my business http://www.kirkhamgrammar.co.uk/Custom/Icon/Main/OKAPersonnelBenStuttard.jpg'>
  2. yeah it mixes quite nicely. but only use it to add color to your mop becuase the dye by itself doesnt stain that hard.
  3. word. my handstyle flows real nice, so i dont have to do cursive.
  4. practice practice practice. i'll get flicks of my shampoo bottle later
  5. uncalled for. flicks anyone? i just made an acylic ground tagger out of a shampoo bottle. neat-o!
  6. this thread just made my day
  7. your secret sucked and i already knew it.
  8. oh and does anybody know where i can get garvey from thats not online? like a store that sells it?
  9. i deffinately did not understand the syringe pen thing with the expo marker. but your idea for replacing the nibs is pretty good.
  10. hah i see what you mean. but nah its just my finger going into the eraser. i have normal thumbs.. i swear! hahah:lol:
  11. i have a fucked up thumb nail? hmm never noticed.. it might be the paint on it tho. i had red and white paint on it at the time. yes. i have just reviewed the picture and the reason it looks so long is because i have white paint on the tip.:lol: :lol:
  12. Re: whaaat? just go to a university if there is one near you. the one near me has SO many erasers. if a wanted to i could fill up a back pack with them
  13. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/m/g/mgb142/bling.jpg'> http://fark.froggynet.com/~froggy/neffbling-bling.jpg'> http://www.skidmore.edu/scope/summer2003/images/fandango.jpg'> http://dermatology.cdlib.org/93/case_reports/pruritus/1.jpg'> http://www.jsonline.com/news/image01/penbig011401.jpg'> http://www.chasingplastic.com/graphic-elements/tourney-images/wucc-02/page-1/chronic-kwa-darcy-bid.jpg'> http://www.fodpose.dk/dfobillederst/wigger.gif'> http://comedy.thewienerpatrol.com/cartoons/wigger1.jpg'>
  14. chapstick markers to me are a waste of time. you can only get like 3 tags out of them because they dont hold that much ink. you can get one of those face paint in a tube type things and it writes about the same width as a chapstick but it holds alot more ink. and complimentos on that giant mop, but it is a bit to big for street bombing.
  15. this is all i have right now. more to come later. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00414344f00000015.jpg'> http://img27.photobucket.com/albums/v80/steezing/marin_fountain_3.jpg'>
  16. calm the fuck down. you said yourself you didnt like it because it didnt write to hot on rougher surfaces. i gave feedback. you didnt like it. now be a good bitch and make a better nib.
  17. thats kinda sketchy having to clean the spot before you hit it.. but whatever works for you. i would say just try and find a better nib
  18. my grandparents have that same phone.. big numbers for old eyes. that mop looks pretty sav but cant you only use it on smooth surfaces?
  19. bling blingin http://activecasual.com/Simply%20Comfort%20Webs/Images/Stuart-and-shoe-boxes.gif'> this guy is down with the craze.
  20. thats such a good idea.. stitching together nibs. im gonna try that out on my next project
  21. i have never seen deodorant look like that.. how about some steps on how to make on of those. i tried to make a deodorant mop but it was only good for one night. i couldnt refill it and it was pretty messy. but it made a great 3 inch wide line.
  22. ay wers im diggin your style. you didnt go to berk. high did you?
  23. here's why i use eraser nibs nowadays. sick of your shit lookin like this? http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00414344f00000091.jpg'> oh and XeR you see that little ring type thing to the left of the sponge? thats where you twist from to take off the top. no other pics for you. just learn. and if you cant do it, then tough noogies.
  24. well here's the thing about leather dye. its real chronic on the hands, but on walls its not THAT great. dont get me wrong it still is good but make sure you mix it with something, like marsh or griffin. give it a try and tell me what you thought of it. and the trick to the eraser nibs is to coil them up HELLA tight! the tighter you roll the less drips you will get. i have never had a spill so i guess i must be doing something right.. but yeah if you left it upside down for awhile it would leak. just keep it in your pocket when you bomb and when you're storing it in your room or where ever just keep it in an upright position.
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