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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. are you sure the picture i posted wasnt the 1959 version... i swear that those were the actors in the 59 version.. yeah...i havent seen the 34 version (the original)...but its on my list of movies to see.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear leche, dont eat the rap snacks....they expired 2 months ago... instead keep them as a souveneir of the journey they made from sac to reno.. by the way....cold awful awfuls sound nasty. -calig0oLa
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo i need a break from school... 2 tests on monday 1 on wednesday.. im tired of studying.
  4. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  5. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH elephant porn
  6. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  7. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH hahaha!!!
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo i used to play it at the pizza hut back when i was like 11. fun game.
  9. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  10. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH "suge shot me"
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo sleeping....youre too young to remember this game, but what you said just reminded me of this game... spy hunter.
  12. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo my homie carries those big D batteries in his car for shit like that...(to throw at cars windshields) i have a scar on my neck from a fight that was road rage related.. it really isnt worth it...but people fucking really turn into assholes when they drive... for example... i ALWAYS let people merge into my lane....i even slow down for them.. and if someone needs to get over into my lane...ill stick my hand out the window and flag them in... but other people will speed up not to let me merge into traffic... i almost missed my turn because of this once, so i had to cut the guy off... he gets out of his car....i get out of mine.... i end up shoving him... some hero shows up... i leave (dont need an assault charge over road rage) but seriously road rage isnt worth it... i had a gun pulled out on me on the freeway before.
  14. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo shit like this happens to me all the time... and the reason is cause they pretty much give anybody a license.
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo from wiki.. Ned Arnel Mencía was born the seventeenth of eighteen children. At the time of his birth, his mother, Magdelena Mencía from Mexico, was engaged in a domestic dispute with his father, Honduran Roberto Holness, and declined to give her son his biological father's last name.[1] The name appearing on his birth certificate is "Ned Arnel Mencía", although Mencia has said that out of respect for his biological father he went by the Holness name anyway, and was known as "Ned Holness" until he was eighteen years old
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo didnt know where else to put this.
  18. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  19. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  20. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo hahaha....it was hella funny....but it wasnt my fault... their car was hella ghetto.
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo so i seen some CRAZY shit yesterday... i was driving down the street bumping my cali agents cd really loud, when i pull up next to these two "brothas" bumping some hyphy music at the red light next to me (they were in a ghetto ass car). they had theyre music on blast and i had mine turned up too...so the light turns green and i take off fast to speed up and turn in front of them to get into the better lane with less traffic in it... as they see me speed up to get ahead of them, they speed up too...were both doing about 30 mph at this point when i look to my left and notice they arent there anymore... i look in my side view mirror and see that one of their tires has completely come off of the rim and is rolling into oncomming traffic at about 30mph and they have put on their hazard lights and stopped.. the tire starts to bouce....hits an oncomming car and shoots up about 25-30 feet (maybe more into the air).....at that point i was gone....but when the tire was comming down...it looked like it was about to land on this green crystler that was making a turn.... i didnt stick around to see what happened next...but that was the craziest shit ive seen in a minute....i mean the tire was literally higher than the street lights... as i drove off i was thinking....damn.....i wish i coulda flicked that and put it on 12oz!
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