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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ssn, no...its not that...i cant make it out to reno with all the snow on the road...remember, i dont even have chains!!...but next time you come through sactown, we have to do that vietnamese vegetarian spot again!...i loved that place! cG dear abcs, im sure she can hook it up with some really good greasy food. i might take her up on her offer...lol....fresno is only about a 3 and a half hour drive from where i live. cG dear dose, i was trying so hard not to lol when she said it! so you chubby chased for only a month??...ive been chubby chasing since i was 17..lol. cG
  2. false....but its fun to say marsha marsha marsha! the person below me always gets the largest size popcorn when at the movies.
  3. im trying to shake this cold im starting to come down with. ..so basically resting.
  4. false...i havent since i found craigslist. the person below me has gotten laid from the internet before.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ms seyer, nope!...but thats still my unfulfilled fantasy! maybe one day...but as for now....ive been trying to eat healthy since the new year..so it might not happen anytime soon :( cG
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ya'll in the convo, that was another thing.....she gave me like an hour of head....most girls get tired after about 15 to 20 minutes...and she was actually pretty good at it. cG
  7. false....i was purchasing alcohol even when i wasnt old enough to do so. the person below me looks older than they are.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear muds, what can i say, im a chubby chaser....but i too was disturbed with this weird sex talk. but then again, my unfulfilled fantasy does include sex and a certain type of food. cG dear realonesideism, im pretty sure she was at least good at ordering a pizza, especially the way she devoured the left over pizza at my friends house after we sexed. cG dear sm, ive hear this dick is soooooo good all the time (seriously ALOT of girls say it...and i swear im not trying to brag)...but it was weird to hear her say sooooo good that i will cook for you if you give me more...all in the same sentence! yeah...she did say other normal things too...but this and a couple of other things caught me off gaurd. cG
  9. true...back in like 1996/1997ish. the person below me is as old as me.
  10. false...i want to help people with ailments. the person below me thinks the word ailment is a big word.
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear real, i dont think you realize how big this girl was...im talking 300+er cG
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear fat girl from fresno that i was sexing on saturday night, lol....wtf!...ive never had a girl say "this dick is sooooooo good.. if you come to fresno i will fuck you whenever and i'll cook for you" it was kind of weird to hear that during sex. cG
  13. false....at the computer terminals at school, when in line, i would pass up on macs that became freed up so that i got first dibbs on the pc's. the person below me likes tri tip and au jus.
  14. true...only cock shots to girls i was seeing at the time that asked for them. (SM send please! :D) the person below me is starting to get sick from the fucked up weather.
  15. false...i saw 2 woodpeckers outside in the rain today looking for food though. the person below me has nudes of themselves.
  16. false....ive gromed it plenty a times...(going now). the person below me has e-beef *edit: false...ive kept my facial hair the same now for a couple years the person below me has e-beef
  17. true....first that and then esparto. the person below me is holding their pee right now.
  18. true...i can keep you company... under the hot water :) the person below me took a nap today.
  19. false...but i did see extenze at the drug store today by the supplements...it was like $45!..fuck that. the person below me is from california.
  20. true....sega genesis...i woulda had my nintendo still, but someone still it in like 1999. the person below me can do 50 pushups in 3 minutes.
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