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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mud, im not a playa, i just crush alot! :) cG
  2. false...im a designated driver who is driving because he is a capitalist sucker...and he doesnt want to take his date to the club via handlebars on a bicycle. the person below me loves orange chicken
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bfish, i cant...ive got another one tomorrow. the 2 tonight are just dates...the one tomorrow is serious. :) thanks for the help though. cG
  4. word up...have fun. holla at some college hunnies!
  5. false...i dont care either way...and all the haters can suck my balls. the person below me needs to take their car to the car wash
  6. false...the s in MASH would always get crossed out. the person below me knows about the game MASH.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear zebra, damn...i wish i could help...i will try. cG dear earl, co-signed on the we are the world....terrible...they shouldnt have put in kanye, lil wayne, will.i.am, justin beiber, etc. etc. etc. cG dear 2 girls i asked out on a date for tonight, i hope one of you two cancels tonight, or i need to figure out a way to be at two places on one time. cG
  8. on a saturday??....speaking of which...tonight is 2nd saturday!...holla! as for me, right now im laying in bed posting on 12oz and texting homegirls.
  9. (^thats 5 words) because he wrote "esKape"
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, i think its time you took a vacation!..lol cG
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, you probably already know this, but its really important to take ALL of the antibiotics prescribed to you...even if you feel a lot better a few days later....but yeah working in that weather and not resting and not getting fluids is going to make it worse. you should take a couple days off if you can. dr. gula
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, hope you feel better man. lol @ ioweezy cG
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD i dont know....but it looks VERY familiar.
  14. right now im watching uma thurman have a lesbian scene while mr miyagi watches...wtf is this movie?
  15. oh...i know i can get laid with one phone call. i got laid on wednesday by this one girl, and monday by another girl. i just want some new vajayjay.
  16. well...saw these at the store today...
  17. dope casek....ive already started reading arnolds book. thanks again.
  18. watching the opening ceremony. right now is the minute of silence for the luger that lost his life.
  19. false....im very sympathetic to cancer. the person below me likes girls with big tits but a small butt.
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