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Everything posted by KiLL Or DiE

  1. MAR what I do is I create a file just for album covers under my Pictures folder. Then google forwhatever album you lookin for..Right click, save..Then on itunes High lite the whole Album without the Picture, right click, Get Info, click on Artwork and then look for the file in which you saved the Googled Image..Does it makes any sense??.Hope that helps.. Edit** Whenever I cant find what Im looking for....I just simply photoshop a quick one..
  2. Yeah yeah..Thats what I was doin right now..I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track and if it was possible..The computer is not bad, like I said it was almost brand new, and I dont want to fuck it up feel me..
  3. I have a legit copy of Windows XP...Would that work?? Its from MY computer..Im just gone wait for Casek's s-b-s ..Thanx...
  4. Thanx for the quick response..Is it really hard to format the Hard drive?..Like I said Im not too good with computers but if you hook it up with a step by step that would be good...Whenever you're not busy post it up..Thanx for your time...
  5. Question..My sister just got a computer from a friend that needed sum money so she flipped it for a few hundred..It was almost brand new, nice flat screen and everything..Only problem is, Windows Vista (Compaq Presario)..I aint no computer sav but I know that shit is whack..I just learned bout Torrents and shit, so I was tryin to teach her sum shit here and there..Same torrents I downloaded on my computer wont work on hers...My question is, can I switch from Vista to Windows XP (downgrade?? since Vista is the "newest" shit)..I asked my boy that usually fixes my computers and he said that It could be tricky since the computer was made to run with Vista?..I dont doubt him cause he works fixin computers, but I would like a second opinion..Vista runs super fuken slow and Firefox seems to freeze a lot..She has Cable connection but TeH InTeRnEtZ still run slow sometimes...Anyone..Thanx...
  6. Been readin the OZ since 99..Didn't register til 04..YYeeeyyyaaaaa... Quick shit..
  7. Nope ..120z Administrators wont allow them to record SHIT from their files(PM's)...And if u dont believe me ask a Mod..Still they are able to read shit people post on threads, so be wise bout your posts...Dont drop names and Locations..
  8. Co-signed... And since when givin sumone props is dick-ridin?..
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Damn that Silencer hella clean... Bump..
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Is that Christina Aguilera picture reaL??...Damn..
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco This nigga said Goro..hahah..Old school MK shit..
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco And Gofer and Vomit and ........
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Stolen Gifs...Took my time to look for em right click/copy/paste and post..If ya dont like it post some of your own .Stop cryin and bitchin and contribute Fag...
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Yeah yeah yeah..Get the fuk out..
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD How is that..U want dick gifs or sum??
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Part 2 ??? Edit..Damn I cant stop staring !!!!!
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