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Everything posted by hatetown

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that rooftop is fuckin huge. bump for whoever hit that
  2. has anyone ever slammed so hard they thought you were gonna poop? no more drunk mini ramp skating. or maybe i need to keep practicing being drunk and skating mini ramps
  3. why do people hate on airwalks, benihanas and dog pisses? thsoe are my favorite trips to do off kicker ramps and they look so cool
  4. i heard nate sherwood is on plan b and has a $200 shoe coming out for nike. shits gonna be able to make you pressure flip over a waxed curb
  5. finished building my 4th mini ramp. shits making for some epic seshs. learned disaster reverts and blunt stall kickflips today. im gettin so tech brah
  6. no seriously quit gossiping about people you dont know. this shit aint a celebrity gossip column
  7. still one of my favorite video sextions
  8. yellow fuct shorts that went down to your shins..need i say more
  9. mmm...i wonder when DC is going to finish building that huge free outdoor park in houston. im not even sure if they started yet but i heard its going to be one of the best parks in the country..and its free
  10. age has nothing to do with how drunk you can get pal. i have a few friends who are 19 and can inhale a 24 pack and still not slur when they talk
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco hahha. no seroiusly
  12. i was gettin drunk earlier at a friends house who insisted that i spar with him. of course he ends up hitting me square in the jaw and now it hurts to talk. drunk boxing: your chance to be the Muhammed Ali of the party
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear double decker taco, your so tasty and i cant stop eating you. love your native american lover
  14. last night i left my friend house barely able to walk. i woke up today with no idea how i got back to my house, and i just checked my car and its still intact. definately a good night.
  15. thats not as bad as this goth kid who was wearing boots, a trenchcoat, and had a flowmaster sticker on the bottom of his board, who claimed he used to be able to do a backflip 900. we lol'd at him
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco fuck toys who don't respect originality and seniority
  17. you would think that if you did meth youd be able to concetrate super hard and be able to do backflip 900's in steel toed boats and a trenchecoat
  18. hatetown


    ...says the white boy fag throwing up gang signs next to that sorry excuse for a fill-in
  19. hatetown


    Yep, next paycheck is going towards halo3 and skate. Anybody know if buying a 360 elite is worth it? I just got a HDTV and I heard thats what they were made for.
  20. hatetown


    GOW is all about hosting the matches. If your the host, you tend to be able to down people a lot easier. I wish they would have chosen to use dedicated servers instead of individuals being able to host. I ended up getting the $400 xbox360 with the harddrive, wireless controller and COD 2. still no red rings.
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