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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. TRADES if there are any writers who are down for a trade, hit me up on aim or email...im gettin loads of stickers ready to be sent out, just hit me up and we can get somthing worked out.. peace
  2. if there are any writers who are down for a trade, hit me up on aim or email...im gettin loads of stickers ready to be sent out, just hit me up and we can get somthing worked out.. peace
  3. damn i like that one a lot ^^
  4. can someone gimme some criticism on this canvas... http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/Jan30143.jpg'>
  5. nice batch of stickers, i really like those a lot..
  6. gimic-one gets my vote on chess battle
  7. this page scares me.....:crazy:
  8. i like your colors, and your simple work is definatly ill....keep it up
  9. my 'word' [wish me luck in this evil graff game] http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/ahhhh/Feb03217.jpg'>
  10. im down plebian, just for fun cus you can prolly burn me like crazy but im down for that
  11. Bisq, keep posting...i wanna see more of your work
  12. ira, i like your stuff...nice style, nice characters and nice color schemes.....dont quit, practice
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