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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. i love those little face characters and the gnomes are dope too....
  2. hah those characters are funny lookin....yo those are nice colors...
  3. well i got busted recently, so im sticking to the books......something i really wanna do is hit a passaround or get one going....soo hit me up on email about the sticker situation, i got a nice little batch ready for whoever wants to trade....hit me up on mail tho if i aint online
  4. nice batch of stickers....i love that face
  5. hah that chinese one is hott...so are the blue ones but i really like that chinese one
  6. thanks kise...what other good reliable ones are there?
  7. http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v53/illrati/heis2222.bmp'>
  8. i love this thread....i got a quick question...what are some good image hosting sites??
  9. nice stuff joome, hot letters and structure...
  10. nice post bad-religon, i liked that trucker hat one hah
  11. http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/uVSTO_HEISSSSSSSSSSSSdfg.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/Hr7fZ_HEISS.jpg'>
  12. Ethreadzny2 check ur need advice thread
  13. i hate math....looks like u do too
  14. hah fuck no, but that guy talks to me like im his son so im going to call him Dad from now on.....rite Dad!?
  15. Yes Sir. Thank you Dad! i love you
  16. ^ nice character.... hah hit dat bong!
  17. heres a few flicks from a production from me and my boy(sorry for bad quality): http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/NhSsk_heis5ii.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/EUoeo_nbs2aaa.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/6v2My_nbskkkkk.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/C441s_nbs3gg.jpg'> comments/criticism?? anything?
  18. does anyone else find it hard to peel off stickers that are cut-out...and any tips on how to peel them off easily?
  19. heres some work by myself, and some new stuff by mixer... heis: http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/9P1iy_heispiece1.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/3Putk_heisthrowie1.jpg'> mixer: http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/954IJ_mixer1.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/mC01v_mixer2.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/H8UxQ_mixer3.jpg'> enjoY!
  20. some more to contribute... http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/ifFU4_Jan09110.JPG'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/v6w2B_stickie22.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/TsGSp_stickie33.jpg'> http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/cH010_stickie44.jpg'> cus im cool like that, cus im cool like that :crazy:
  21. http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/PmG62_heisstickie111.jpg'> sticker i did a little while ago, got really bored. onesecondple -> i am down for trades...hit me up on aim ILLRATI
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