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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. kb needs a new thread title...how bout 'got a mob in the job making g's
  2. you have too much fun with your pup....my dog was like panting and trying to hide under my bed cause the smoke alarm was going off, he was flipping out while i was trying to sleep..scared me
  3. damn thats sounds like fun deto....why you always havin fun for...do you ever get bored?
  4. yeah, i want this week to be over too....boring, just tommorow.
  5. This is very VERY true..i had to learn the hard way... Quoted post [/b] guess im going to learn that way too, shit.
  6. if its real.....and someone that is on here can confirm it, i may try and get in on this....but this is old news and is probably fake. so who knows
  7. i need that jacket and the new nas cd, hah im so broken down.
  8. damn guess imma be waiting awhile for my shit...wack...hahah pfftster
  9. anyone ever order off thats life? i ordered a sakura like a week ago, money order and wanted to know when i should expect it...cause i keep looking everyday hoping to see my marker in my mail but it aint there and its dissapointing..fuck an early morning in school.
  10. i love the one with the girl looking to the side with the green. cant stop looking at it, i want it
  11. went benching today....nothing good, i froze my ass off for 3 hours, couldnt feel my toes and was like fuck this im going to school so i can be warm hah....video game awards
  12. hahah thats pretty funny perhap, are you scarred for life?
  13. im gonna wear a gay guy on my gold chain to college
  14. cracksmoka - thanks about the prismas, but i dont wanna like bother you about getting them sooner, i can just wait cause i aint gonna be a dickhead hah, cant wait to get both though....should be getting a lot of good stuff from people this december....
  15. thats called rich...and they werent even jewish, thats funny....i wanna go to a xmas party, - off topic: i need a new hat and some new shirts...and 1 new pair of jeans
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