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Everything posted by hopeizm

  1. Scanner is kaput, gonna get a new one soon.......
  2. Anyone ever considered making an ex girlfriend or fuck buddy pic post thread?..... Just wondering!
  3. suppose it depends on how fat she is, if she is big enough she could probley count as two......... :D
  4. 6 possibly 7 but thats not a certainty, due to the fact of waking up one morning looking up and thinking....that isnt my ceiling, looking next to me and a not-so-my-type of girl laying next to me.. It was a sneak out mission whilst she was still asleep and I never called her to ask what had happened
  5. Burberry is very sweet almost sickly.... dolce is ok..... coolwater by davidoff is still supersexy on girls!
  6. Im too high at the moment, had too much devils dandruff tonight and i cant sleep..... its 5:45 here....what a wanker! Ok, mini story!...this happened friday.... I was standing outside my apartment block where I live with a very good friend of mine.....shes stunningly beautiful... so we are standing by the roadside and this complete twat sitting in traffic in a big truck shouts out the window 'oi how much?' I had to do a double take... By now I'm walking over to this truck and telling the guy his fortune if he gets out the cab at which point he looked pretty worried and wound the window up and locked his doors... I was soo pissed I think I would have shot the guy if I had the means to....... Wasnt like my friend was wearing anything slutty, just cant beleive some people out there grrrrrrrrrrr Thats my rant over, ima try sleep! Goodnight/morning all!
  7. My mates dad looks like rik flair
  8. My sympathy goes out to you on that one! what is it with girls and texting these days?
  9. Always nice when you receive a good reading like that
  10. Very much doubt that will do anything except spoil a good pen, did you actually make it? or did it sound cool to have such an exotic mix?....no disrespect but looking through this thread a lot of people seem to be doing just that............ Brake fluid thickens stuff up because its an oil whilst the thinners will make it thin again....kinda defeats the object.... Etch is usually a water based acid and seeing as oil and water dont really mix i wouldnt put brake fluid in there.... Got to remember your chemistry when you are mixing stuff together... WATER BASED.. etch, emulsion (bucket) paint, ect SOLVENTS - made with a oil based thinner (these are usually the smelly ones!) ...Permanant inks, pilot, shoe dye, thin paint, paint stripper, petrol, nail varnish remover ect... OILS - brake fluid, hydrolic fluid (very simular to brake fluids), gloss bucket paint, shoe polish ect You can mix oils and solvents quite easily to thicken up or thin down an ink but waterbased substances are a definate no no....
  11. why is time dragging so fucking much today..........
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