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Everything posted by Gunm

  1. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/banana-arrow.gif'>
  2. that gif schnizzle posted should not be viewed by anyone under the influence of lsd
  3. Willy Wonkas animated gif is dope but would be even better without that homosexual in the background.
  4. wow....so hot....I do not see the fat asian kids face nor tease....thank god
  5. Vinyl/Devilush!!!!!! The missus and myself will be in S.F. tommorrow to get down! Vinyl, you have my number, call me! Devilush, come on out with your hubbie and let's get our drink on.
  7. ammero....all i gotta say is bravo in regards to the on the spot improv with the whole "I'm doing a research project bit" It's amazing how elders will immediatly lower their guns when academia is brought into the mix. But I speak for a lot of folks here when i say that a thread and accompanying pictures will be in order when your labors bear fruit...or should I say falcons?
  8. whoa, all i did was rive around, cashed a check in SF, drank some beer and whiskey and had dinner with mom. How did you capture the falcom mammero and why did you let it go? you should have trained it to become you beacon of death to strike at your foes from on high
  9. vinyl, your night sounds like it was pretty tight. My gf and I went out to the show but the best bands didn't even come on by the time it was two in the morning. We got drunk on pabst and whiskey. I ended up driving home and throwing some bottles from my car. Sounds like it was cool on your end watching two girls make out. Why didn't the threesome happen? Your cryptic if not poetic recap of your night left more than a few loopholes....fill me in chief
  10. nightbats...hmm, well, i think i'll just remain the resident asian fetishsist. nightbats.......hmm, nightowls
  11. I would like to join the nightbats....where do i sign up? do i get to kill english?
  12. who were you with? My friend Brian who's video was it and where were you? It was Brians Dad's video called Taboo with Kay Parker how old were you? I think 13 or 14 were you nervous? Naw, it was cool was it meaningful? yeah, i though it looked cool. i couldn't wait to try it. first impression? I thought to myself "damn, that's creepy watching something like that with another guy." I knew it was either something you watched alone or with a girl or two. Then i started trying to formulate a plan on how to steal that video from Brians dad. Never happened
  13. vinyl's tattoos are ill. He's got probably the only decent anime tattoo I have ever seen (It's of Battle Angel Alita) Long live Gally 99!
  14. Ha ha ha, okay. I spin a web of seduction with my good looks to all the females runnin' blind like crooks
  15. I consider myself to be the Adonis of 12oz. My gf thinks of me more as Narcissus though.... http://www.successways.com/adonis.jpg'>
  16. Kabar, many thanks for your advice and wisdom. As i've said before, you are one knowledgable person and 12oz is lucky to have your experience to guide the rest of us
  17. KaBAR... I don't want to be too specific about the spot. But the area where the jungles are is about 200 feet from where i want to paint. There's a stretch of road obscured by a line of tree running along it on one side of the tracks and an open field with fencing on the other side. The tramps make camp along that fence. Bunch of lean tos and little huts made of pallets and tarps. There's a bunch of bikes and other random things lying around the camps. I have more than a few escape options available in the event I am rolled on by cop, bull or other. Does the FTRA have any distinguishing markings or patches that indicate such? The reason i ask is that it sounds like i should just avoid them altogether. Oh, have you ever met, The Rambler? I dig that guys tramp tag.
  18. Kabar, I wanted your advice on a tramp related subject. There's an area near where i live that is perfect for painting frieghts but there are several jungle encampments. I wanted to know what might be a good way of determining whether they might be hostile towards writers or not and if so, what would be the best course of action in the event of a negative encounter?
  19. Gunm

    Yard Safety

    Common sense but I always look up and down the tracks every few minutes or so even if it's obvious there's nothing on the horizon. I never realized how goddamn silent those trainbs run until they're almost right on top of you sometimes.
  20. I just realized that with the money that went towards the bar last night, I could have gotten a whole lot more and partied at home with my chick instead. What the hell was I thinking?
  21. Damn Vinyl, sounds like me and my gf left the bar at the wrong time. Guess what, i spent half of my rent money last night! ha ha! Dude, I got a killer party in north bay next weekend to tell ya about!
  22. Lens' Nightmare Weekend I just wanted to vent about my weekend. I did this in another thread but I wanted to go into detail here.... I got in a big fight saturday with my gf of 5 years and as of right now, we're no longer together. I am remaining optimistic things will work out but only time will really tell. I really miss her. I know i'll be thinking of her all night. Last night I went out with a bunch of the boys and some jerk tried to pick a fight with my friend. As I attempted to break it up, this jerk turns on me. I ended up kicking his ass good. My friend were impressed but after several whiskey sours i passed out in a very angst filled sleep in my buddies vw bus while they all went to bad ass super nightclub. I didn't get home until 6 this morning and I had very patchy sleep. Then it turns out that I lost my keys during the fight. I end up having to go to my gf's house to get my spare set. She won't even come out to see me....just leaves them on the porch. The neighborhood that was once so welcoming is suddenly a hostile place. I tell my buddy to "please get me the fuck out of here." I don't think i ever felt so uncomfortable in my entire life....serious. I'm going to have to go and have a valium right now to calm down. My eyes feel filled with powdered glass. Having to lock my emotions deep inside for the four hours of work I had to perform at the (blank) today has given me an ulcer which is burning bad right now. Even though you're all just online personas congregating her, it just feels good to get this out. Thanks for listening. I love my gf very much and I hope she comes to her senses. Root for me 12oz.
  23. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3ce10b3127cce81748909b2ef0000001610'> http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3ce10b3127cce81748e2ef2530000001610'> http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3ce10b3127cce8174899db27b0000001610'> http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4dc30b3127cceb83580689caf0000001610'> http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4dc30b3127cceb835806d1d9a0000001610'>
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