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Everything posted by GucciCondom

  1. Fuck that, it was all about ECW. Sabu!!! Sandman!!!
  2. those huge hands are fucking ill.
  3. yeah sup with voting for simple ass handstyles..fuckit.
  4. I don't like R's and K's but I'll do the spark for the hell of it.
  5. I just noticed a shitttload of my mp3's have disappeared. Nothing else on my computer, just my mp3's. They were all ones I got off SLSK such as Chief Kamachi, Necro, Jus Allah, etc etc etc. Any reason why these would be disappearing? I ran virus scan and it found some trojans which I deleted but I would have thought it would target something other than my music.
  6. GucciCondom


    yeah I didn't feel like ordering shoes off the internet and I decided to hit the shoe store to see whats up. As soon as I walked in they caught my eye and I was on my way with them in less than 5 minutes. I love the color scheme with the gray/royal..and I love the shape of the shoe. The pic doesn't do them justice.
  7. GucciCondom


    just picked these up they get my dick hard
  8. seeking what in the fuck are you talking about? i never said cheerleader's name to nobody, i don't even know dude. i think i know exactly who made that shit up, so tell my #1 fan he can go get his big ugly fucking skull decapitated. why would i try to get money to beat you up when i'd shit on your skinny ass myself? hahah and i wouldn't take it that far over an internet personality anyway, its all for shits and giggles. damn the e-hood is getting rough these days got guys making up fake shit about me, guys making websites about me, guys impersonating me. sheesh.
  9. poppin clorocetin ready for more beatin store defeatin leavin your whore bleedin, pez dispensors break his sensors, piss measures 44 gallons next to the jizz dentures, kids adventures, burning enourmous crack rocks, cookin crack pots and lacin them to crack spots, and crack rots, alphonso's teeth, meet the beast, injectin your anal plumage with yeast, BIATCHHHHH
  10. i came to do a back flip, me and billy smoked a fat dip, then copped me some gucci on the rack-tip
  11. rip van fucking winkle was a wise economic refugee salesman. he once stated in his thesis that "you cannot fuck a barrel, the barrel must fuck you" and thats how charleena got accepted to Elwyn school for the mentally challenged.
  12. the glacialized anal buds will not feed henry the alligators taste for reinactment funding because hes a left-sided horse fortifier.
  13. hail is teh hot on the food tip - tyson chicken strips are where its at right about now.
  14. GucciCondom


    Had a coupon for a bunch of money off at footlocker/champs so I was forced to buy shoes from a store rather than online. Just got some Jordans I liked.
  15. I'll handstyle battle you ODS if I can get my digicam to work.
  16. Can I use a router to hook my computer in the other room up to my cable also? Will this have negative effects on my download speeds? We just found out my mom has been paying for aol, aol broadband, AND my cable internet. I told her that AOL is trash and to just get rid of it.
  17. Shit missed your post 455..goodshit. You got anything recorded on the computer?
  18. Hm I never realized how much a piece of shit my computer is, it works pretty fine even for playing Halo. I always have the best ping and merk everyone. I think I might lean toward dropping maybe a grand or so and building my own jawn, with one of them sick custom boxes and shit. With a dope ass flatscreen.
  19. Yeah I do have a shitfuck celeron processor. Well the new computer would probably be for my business, unless I reformat this one and use the other one for gaming and whatnot. I'm not really sure what I want to do anymore. I got a new question, my caps lock key is all of the sudden reversed. It lights up for lower case and goes off for upper case. What gives?
  20. I got a dell dimension 2350. How much cheaper than a store bought pc would a fresh ass home-made one be? Actually its probably not the Dell..I think it is a combo of windows xp and all the viruses and bullshit that I have had.
  21. I'm kind of feeling these sony vaio joints. I'm just going to wait until I start making paper so I can know if its worth it depending on the amount of business I get.
  22. Damn that Alienware shit is crazy expensive. I would opt for the build my own computer but I really don't know what I'm doing with that, plus I don't have a lot of time. I didn't remember comps being so expensive. I don't even know what brand I want. Dell can suck my dick I have one right now and I'm not really satisfied. I'll probably look into a few shits and then get back here and you guys can tell me what you think.
  23. Yeah XP is pretty self explanatory for that shit, I had to do it once. But once I had , I had a lot of problems with drivers and my speakers not working and my modem and all kinds of shit. MY QUESTION: I'm thinking of buying a new computer because I'm starting a business around the beginning of January and my current computer isn't trustworthy enough. I'm going to pick up a freshy to do my photo work on, and then keep this one to download all kinds of porn and viruses. Now you tell me..what do you think I should be in the market for? I'm not really trying to spend over 800 if I can help it. Drop some suggestions, please.
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