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Everything posted by BIGBLUE

  1. *edit for re-size* http://img2.imgspot.com/u/04/275/04/stretch300m2.jpg'>
  2. http://img6.imgspot.com/u/04/238/05/soccerboys.JPG'>


    size 8 maybe? more women shoes dude has a fetish
  4. http://www.trainweb.org/chessie/400045c&o.jpg'> C&O Railbox boxcars... In 1983 the C&O bought several hundred boxcars off of the Railbox Co. Railbox is a company owned by the major railroads that pooled boxcars. These pools of boxcars were available to what ever railroad needed them. Some regular Railbox cars are needed on any Chessie layout, but in just a night or two you can add some really unique Chessie boxcars. Below is a picture of one of the C&O Railbox boxcars. It still looks like a normal railbox but the number has been painted over with a non matching yellow and a C&O number applied. http://www.trainweb.org/chessie/400045c&odetail.JPG'> How to make a C&O Railbox boxcar: 1. Accurail makes a good model of the Railbox boxcar. I purchased a set that was on sale and came with three cars. 2. Assembly is easy. Add the door, add the couplers, add the wheels. 3. The Accurail car doesn't come with an ACI card, so add yours right below the "X" as in the picture. 4. The trick here is to weather the car now, while it still has its Railbox lettering. Overspray the car with dark grey overall. Use some light tan on the lower 1/4 of the car. Put a nice wash of dark brown and dark grey on the roof. 5. Tape off a square around the RBOX numbers on the sides and ends. Paint CSX Yellow or another yellow that is a noticebly different shade. 6. Apply either decals or dry transfer numbers. 7. Overspray with clear flat to seal it and you are done. http://www.trainweb.org/chessie/400045c&o.JPG'>
  5. BUMP MY THREAD http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v311/netacc/model2.jpg'>
  6. http://img4.imgspot.com/u/04/188/02/88.JPG'> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. http://img2.imgspot.com/u/04/187/14/manh3.JPG'>


    miami.. oh what a town .Opa Locka !
  9. last pic inthe disposable cam http://img4.imgspot.com/u/04/176/13/Picture2028.jpg'>
  10. http://img3.imgspot.com/u/04/174/12/chalkzone.jpg'>
  11. http://img3.imgspot.com/u/04/174/02/CIELINGFAN.JPG'>
  12. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4d832b3127cceb07b87be1d580000001510'> What the f*ck is he thinking about?
  13. today's magic word part 7? maybe NECROPHELIAC Pronunciation: "ne-kr&-'fi-lE-& Function: noun Etymology: New Latin : obsession with and usually erotic interest in or stimulation by corpses


  15. today's magic word pt 7 COMPLACENT Main Entry: com·pla·cent Pronunciation: k&m-'plA-s&nt Function: adjective Etymology: Latin complacent-, complacens, present participle of complacEre to please greatly, from com- + placEre to please
  16. today's magic word pt 6 Illustrious Main Entry: il·lus·tri·ous Pronunciation: i-'l&s-trE-&s Function: adjective Etymology: Latin illustris, probably from illustrare Date: 1588 1 : notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions : EMINENT 2 : archaic : a : shining brightly with light : clearly evident synonym see FAMOUS
  17. today's magic word pt 5 leverage Main Entry: [2]leverage Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): -aged; -ag·ing Date: 1937 : to provide (as a corporation) or supplement (as money) with leverage; also : to enhance as if by supplying with financial leverage
  18. today's magic word pt 4 frolic Main Entry: [3]frolic Function: noun Date: 1616 1 : a playful or mischievous action 2 a : an occasion or scene of fun
  19. I wish Nextel's had cameras
  20. Sell your car too, cause you'll be broke in a month after payin $2.32 per gal .
  21. today's magic word CONGLOMERATE Pronunciation: -'glä-m&-"rAt Function: verb Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing Date: 1642 intransitive senses : to gather into a mass or coherent whole <numbers of dull people conglomerated round her —Virginia Woolf> transitive senses
  22. today's magic word symmetric Variant(s): or sym·met·ric /-trik/ Function: adjective 1 : having, involving, or exhibiting symmetry 2 : having corresponding points whose connecting lines are bisected by a given point or perpendicularly bisected by a given line or plane <symmetrical curves> 3 symmetric : being such that the terms or variables may be interchanged without altering the value, character, or truth <symmetric equations> <R is a symmetric relation if aRb implies bRa> 4 a : capable of division by a longitudinal plane into similar halves <symmetrical plant parts> b : having the same number of members in each whorl of floral leaves <symmetrical flowers> 5 : affecting corresponding parts simultaneously and similarly <symmetrical rash> 6 : exhibiting symmetry in a structural formula; especially : being a derivative with groups substituted symmetrically in the molecule - sym·met·ri·cal·ly /-tri-k(&-)lE/ adverb - sym·met·ri·cal·ness /-k&l-n&s/ noun
  23. it's actually the best thing here. cuz of the attention to detail. the realistic effect of the filth, the rocks beside the tracks the other lanes in the back ground .. now just imagine that car and that scene and going over the graf like whoa http://i18.ebayimg.com/01/i/01/50/ae/48_3.JPG'>
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