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Posts posted by GnomeToys

  1. Yeah, one of the guys I worked with there that had been doing it a lot longer and was better than me at it started a shop up after the owner pissed him off for the 80th time.  She closed down a year later and he was still pretty low on business on that end...  he was doing a bunch of really cool shit with custom chopper style bicycles / bmx and making more off that last I talked to him, but we were in a kinda poor area.   There are some shops in Chi still doing some really cool stuff too.  Lots of the old arts / skilled trades are dying off like that though.  You don't see as many old school carpenters around either...   stuff costs a small fortune to be done right but the end result is so far above what you can get otherwise...


    I could definitely pick it up again pretty quick, so it's something on the back burner until the opportunity arises. 

  2. @One Man Bannedhaha sorry man I'll kill it and make another post.   Haven't been paying attention because most threads this large are resurrections w/ missing pictures.   Props on this, I'm going to go start looking from the first page and let you know in a year or two when I'm finished.  ? 

  3. It's kinda hard to say there, because it's a fine line.   I think the first one I posted definitely falls under hipster shit,  even more so because this was a legal city-wide thing so any quality level is a mixture of misguided "street art" styling and laziness.    The second is funny and people who don't spend their entire lives on the internet could probably laugh at it even though it's based off the whole extreme advertisement meme. 


    I don't really care which people post.  


    Some quick searching found whatever the hell was going on here as an example of plain old shit nobody cares about ending up in reality:







    Regardless of the content, those were at least done well. 

  4. Stained Glass:


    This one was a Christmas present for my mom.  13 separate panels instead of going ez-mode and replacing the wood lattice in the door.  Unfortunately was limited in glass choices to what our shop considered "scrap" so I couldn't go as complicated as I wanted, but it turned out good. 




    Made for fun early on to practice, given as present to girl I was friends with back in the day.



    Various stuff I worked in the craftsmanship end and / or glass type / color selection and all the rest.  The shop owner always designed the windows, which meant she copied them from books, but she wanted to feel useful so I don't blame her.


    New window for church foyer (protip:  the angel's trumpets craft paper templates had dicks drawn on them during layout.  so did the glass.)



    I did most color selection for these, and everything else.  I forget how many pieces of glass each was, but it was kind of terrifying.   Dude who owned them was a multi-millionaire buying them for a house in the Philippines...   so instead of charging him an industry standard price, she undercharges him, takes a loss on materials, shipping,  and kinda on labor, but she only paid $9 an hour so that wasn't a big part of it.   Overall I think she billed him like $3k each for these.   She's out of business now.  Can you guess why?





    Not much else on hand, a ton of the work was just restorations of big church windows and not too exciting.  

    We were good at it but it's not work you really notice at full scale. 

    Lots of other stuff I either didn't do the majority of work on or was just clear glass / beveled shit for houses.   

    Also all of these have decent amounts of blood on / in them somewhere.  Slicing yourself open constantly goes with the job. 


    Would still be doing this if I could find somebody paying enough to live off of with an opening.  I'm not rich enough to start my own business. 





    • Like 2



    Ordered a bunch of vinyl stickers of this in ~2002ish, there are still a bunch up I've spotted and who knows how many I gave away that got slapped  up elsewhere.




    Intended for more stickers...  but felt like the design could be better on this but couldn't figure out where to go with it.




    Made from one of my photos leading up to the Obama campaign when the economic crash was happening. 

    Was planning on getting vinyl stickers printed but couldn't afford it because economic crash ate my job.

  6. The other day I was looking over my tomato plants and found this tomato hornworm with something weird going on:




    So I searched around.   Apparently this is a Braconid wasp larval infestation.  


    These wasps are like some fucked up thing out of aliens;  they co-evolved with various DNA viruses which are now part of their genetic structure.  The active viruses are only produced in pockets with the wasps eggs, which it injects into the host worm.  One virus messes with the worm's immune system so it doesn't attack the eggs that just got oviposited into it.  Another screws with metabolism to create compounds beneficial to the larvae.   This is late stage here, with the larvae already coming out.   Everyone recommended leaving these in / near the plants because the wasps are harmless to people (or so they'd like us to believe) and will kill these worms.   This is great for me because I won't douse my plants in neurotoxins, but it's creepy AF nonetheless. 

    • Like 2
    • Truth 1
  7. Mushroom hunting is fun as long as you know what to avoid.   Luckily morels only have one lookalike that doesn't look much like them, the oyster mushrooms aren't hard to mistake, same for hen of the woods, giant puffballs are easy, etc.   Sticking to those keeps you away from the worst of it, and learning to ID chanterelles isn't too hard. 


    This isn't exhaustive but it has some info:



    Gallerina & most of the Amanitas (A. muscaria pictured above not being one of the very dangerous ones) are some of the worst.  The compounds in them prevent DNA transcription to RNA, which stops cell protein synthesis.   Every organ will fail and there isn't much they can do except put you on dialysis and hope the stuff clears your system before it kills you.   AKA avoid generic looking white or brown mushrooms. 


    Many of the others will just make you violently sick to your stomach for a while. 

    • Like 1
  8. So a lot of this type of shit is stencils, confusing signs people hang up, etc...  basically weird internet shit crossed over into the world of reality. I find this kind of stupid unless pulled off correctly.   The first one is hopefully "I did it for the lulz" because they wheatpasted a fucking stencil, but I suspect there wasn't that much thought put in it.  The second is better because somebody was spamming them all over their neighborhood and the sign is close enough to a lost dog poster to draw some attention to the (useless) message on it.     I've got some older flyers people were spamming years ago I have to dig up...   decided to kick this off, not sure where it would fall otherwise.   A lot of it is a different category than graffiti but has similarities.  Here's some I found in my photos / saved files recently, I'll dig more up as I sort through files. 


    I know there are more examples of it floating around so I figured I'd make a thread.




    These were being put up somewhere or another for a while


  9. Note:  Do not accidentally run that on something like C:\, for obvious reasons.    Blocking loopback shouldn't happen, but if it does windows will become unbootable. 


    This script doesn't catch errors in command line entry:    usage is

    whatever.bat [folder]


    It should just quit if you don't pass it any arguments but I wrote it quickly to do one thing and didn't bother with error checking there. 


    No guarantees are made, I am not responsible for any damage caused by this file, by reading this agreement you agree to disagree with this EULA which clearly states in an obfuscated fashion that it is being intentionally unclear about everything.  Reverse engineering this batch file is a violation of international copyright law, so do it.  It may be reverse engineered by reading it, like everything else.  Reading is a violation of international copyright law.  Void where prohibited. 

  10. Yeah the wildcard thing makes it a bitch.   There are a couple of giant hosts files compiled over the years since I wrote the article about abusing it that way that can be helpful.


    For windows I've got a small batch file that I run on any software that might be wanting to phone out to servers that I don't care to be sending god knows what to.  It unfortunately doesn't work on Windows "modern UI" apps because any updates create a new directory with new GUID appended, but it could be set up to do a wildcard  run in task scheduler if needed. 


    @echo off 
    echo Outbound Firewall Block Rule Adder v0.2
    echo ---------------------------------------
    echo Specified directory %1
    echo Scanning directory... 
    @echo on
    FOR /R %1 %%X IN ("*.exe") DO ( 
    	IF EXIST %%~fX (
    		netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Scripted: Block Software: %%~X" dir=out program=%%~fX profile=any localip=any remoteip=any interfacetype=any action=block description="Automatically created outbound firewall rules by batch"
    		netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Scripted: Block Software: %%~X" dir=in program=%%~fX profile=any localip=any remoteip=any interfacetype=any action=block description="Automatically created inbound firewall rules by batch"
    @echo off
    echo Completed. 

    Just copy to firewallAllTheThings.bat or whatever, run it with a directory as input, and it recursively adds all executables to windows advanced firewall. 


    I do this for practically any non open source freeware I have to download for whatever reason these days on general principle. 


  11. You can also edit /etc/hosts to include entries for sites that don't like being blocked. 
    Or,  add ones you do like to prevent DNS lookup from happening so any tracking at the DNS lookup level doesn't occur and you route directly to the site you want (and are then only tracked by all the routers in between.  ?   ).    This requires that the site has a stable IP address that can be used for access or you being willing to keep it updated if it doesn't.   It speeds initial connections up a tiny amount since no lookup occurs if used this way.   


    Pop open a shell and

    # sudo nano /etc/hosts


    Basically you add entries like:

    ::1			www.facebook.com		forum.12ozprophet.com


    The first is an IPv4, second is IPv6.  The first two lines redirect www.facebook.com requests to your local machine which just causes them to timeout if you don't have a webserver running;  downside is you have to add all subdomains manually.   If you set up a local server that doesn't accept connections from outside hosts and just replies with 404 or similar you can speed up that kind of blocking. 


    The last line resolves the forum address locally, assuming the address remains constant.  These types are more of a pain to use since things aren't necessarily constant with target IP.


    The blocking relies on the TCP/IP stack on the OS not being messed up.  I've read vague reports of both mac & windows 10 ignoring blocks of apple.com & microsoft.com respectively, so setting up blocking in a firewall is preferable.   An older machine that can run some minimal linux or BSD and a spare network card can handle filtering things for you at a much more configurable level than a consumer router, which is a good reason to keep an old computer around.   There are lots of tutorials on setting this kind of thing up on the web and it has become much easier in more recent *nix.  


    • Props 1
  12. I saw the reddit breach and wasn't too concerned.   Github was also breached though, which may have more implications for (mostly) small time software companies who used private repositories there as a free versioning system, which like most cloud storage is a bad idea unless you're running an online service in the first place.  In that case you're better off with a paid service which offers some kind of insurance / support for hacks like this.  It won't prevent them but you'll get better response and notification.   I logged into github and was greeted with "your password was leaked in a recent data breach.  you should change it"...   but the account itself was still active and the same password still worked, so exactly what help is that message?   


    Whatever small town shit is going on there is just a symptom of the problem.   Stuff like this, regardless of who was caught and what the results were, is downright terrifying:



    Keep in mind this is someone who was identified by a familial genetic match rather than their own DNA actually being in a database, and since DNA is left damn near everywhere just by the act of walking around, this is alarming as fuck. 


    Yeah, they caught a serial rapist with this technique.   It also messes up and leads to invasive searches on people who have fuckall to do with anything, which that article also covers:





    On the more dystopian side of the spectrum, Wired reported on a filmmaker named Michael Usry who was accused of a 1996 murder in Idaho Falls nearly 20 years after the fact — coincidentally the same month that Phoenix police got their break in the Canal Killer investigation.

    Usry, who was a teenager at the time of the killing, was picked up by police at his doorstep in New Orleans in December 2014, Wired wrote. He was interrogated by an FBI agent and spent a month under suspicion — all because the killer’s genetic code was similar to his father’s, whose DNA sample had been obtained by Ancestry.com.


    Fucking lovely...

  13. Meh, I've gotten a bunch of interviews through there (when I wasn't in a good state to be interviewing)  and a lot more requests that I ignored because I wasn't looking.  Very little spam, but I still don't like the place much and pseudo-randomize the work history and profile every once in a while to see what kind of hilarity it produces.



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