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Everything posted by Milton

  1. Deto, Your CD is awesome, but won't fucking burn. I patch's as well... Im going to try to fix it tomorrow... SOrry guys...
  2. Me: Hey, you're so and so's friend right? Random Chick at Bar: Uhhhh, who? Me: I met you at (insert random name here)'s party with a girl with short hair and a school girl outfit on. Her: Well whats your name? Me: Milton... But we went over this about a week ago. Her: Oh really, well I'm Amy its a pleasure to meet you again... Me: Well, why don't you tell the trucker hat mafia you're leaving and come party with us... Her, sleeping in the other room on the couch... There are like 8 people passed out at my house right now... HOOO AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  3. 32 hours and counting... I need sleep... Milton "I want sex, sleep sex then chipotle, in that order as a matter of fact"
  4. I've decided if I don't get fired next week I'm going to ask for a schedule change or put in my 2 weeks. This is bullshit, I can't sleep, I have to be at work at 6 on saturday AND sunday. One or the other would be fine, but don't give me all the fucked up shifts. Thats dirty, I know I'm new and all that but fuck give me a break, its not worth it for the 3 days a week I work to have them all be the shittiest shifts possible. There are 4 shifts out of an 8 hour week that I don't want to work and he gives me two of them. Fuck this. Monday-Friday at 6, fine. Saturday OR Sunday at 6 great but fucking wednesdays from 2-10 and Saturday AND sunday at 6 int he fucking morning. Fuck you. I'm actually probably gonna get in trouble on wednesday when he comes in and sees that I fucked up some of the tapes so if he so much as raises his voice at me I'm gonna fucking storm out. I cant take this shit. It blows my whole weekend. I spend friday night trying like an idiot to fall asleep before 3 AM and then I'm fucking tired so I have to sleep all day saturday cause I slept at most an hour friday night, then by the time I get off sunday everything is done for the weekend. Fuck this, back to making my money the fast way...
  5. "I had a parrot, it talked, but it didn't say I'm hungry, so it died..."
  6. Theo, what is that? So I'm playing spades the other day, Me and my friend are up like 350-200 on these two fools, so dude bids nil and he starts cursing and picks up the first bag. Then at the end of the round he fucking tries to say he bid three, the fuck is up with that, don't fucking renig. I hate you bitches, you didn't bid fucking three, do you think i forget you cusring my mother when you hit the first bag? I thought so, fuckin homo...
  7. The fuck is up? Mitch Hedburg, the funniest man on earff Mitch Hedburg, is coming to Seattle. I am excited. However the tickets are 35, outrageous for a comedy club spot, especially when he isn't even that well known. That means if I want to go, I have to buy at least one ticket, which comes with a drink ticket, but then if I bring a friend, I'm gonna have to buy her another 35 dollar joint and if she's not 21 then she can't even use the fucking drink ticket. So I will probably use both but still, I'm heated, bring Hedburg to the people...!
  8. The Cure.There is no If Most depressing song ever... THank you...
  9. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'>
  10. H: What's Up Man? M: Not Much H: I ran into your X M: Cool, where at? H: Bowling Alley M: I see H: Ya I had my employee bowling tournament, I got a 160, my boss got a 243. M: Thats cool, 160 is good H: Ya, well I have to go Peace...
  11. I've got to be at work at 6, I'm off to bed in a few minutes, but I have a story for 12oz. I'm on the phone with Jagermeister girl (if you remember her) about half an hour ago, we are talking and I tell her I got an RJD2 cd today (Thanks PMB). I tell her some of the stuff Copywrite said in his track "Twisted off the egg nog and liquor, I'm a big dog like Clifford" and "You spit the best shit on everybodys mixtape, now for your album your left with shit you wrote in sixth grade." Somehow we get to the topic of guys that get drunk and freestyle at parties. I make it clear that I hate people who do that, especially goofy frat faggots who think Lil Jon and the Eastside Boys are as hip hop as it gets. She asks me why, and I tell her I used to rap, so I hate shitty rappers in general. She laughs and says "ya right," I tell her I'm serious and that I put a demo tape together with 2 of my friends a couple years ago. She starts laughing like I told a joke, not like "I can't picture you rapping" but like it's funny, I don't know. She was still laughing when I put the phone down and I assume she laughed for a good while because it rang 5 or 6 minutes aftewords and I neglected to answer. I don't think I'm going to call that one back... Milton First time they fuss I'm breezin...
  12. Man, you're going to give him a complex. Just stroll up to her and say "It must suck being new, you want to get lunch with me." And you're in like pink shirts... Milton Looking out...
  13. I hope you did the letters in flat black and the tree dee in terracotta... FRRRRESH! I just got done watching a history channel special on poker and have decided to stay up for a while in my underwear and a cowboy hat smoking cigarrettes and playing no limit texas hold 'em online. I'm doing quite well as of now, check back in an hour or so... My rant about Lindsay Lohan: She is gorgeous, and I am sure a wonderful person and has a nice rack and all that. But, shes 17. I think of myself at 17, and my personality, and what I considered important and what my life was all about and I compare it with what is important now and it seems like two completely different people. Shes not even a senior in highschool for goodness sake. I would feel like a child molester if I hit that (Albeit a happy child molester, but a molester none the less) and outside of me giving her exctacy she's never seen without illegal substances what else would we be able to do? I mean, I'd hit it, I'm not gonna lie, but I sure as hell wouldn't date her... Milton *Sissycore*
  14. Unless you're into that....
  15. I just saw the preview for mean girls, I think I'm in love. Except I'm 21, so when she turns 18 I'll be in love, until then she can just give me blow jobs and shit. But the second she hit's 18 I want to be all up in that like none other... How many of you have a "famous people" clause in your relationships, like you can sleep with anybody famous. I've always had that shit when I had girlfriends, I just never met anyone famous.
  16. Random drunk girls and slutty college chicks tell me I'm hot, but I'm not buying it. Milton... "White and ugly as ever..."
  17. If I ever win millions you will see me in a powder pink ferrari. I've been saying that way before I saw cam's shit which is not even a sick color if you look at it. I would buy it for sure, but powder pink kills shit. A pink car is like driving with your windows down smoking a blunt and flipping every dude on the road off at the same time... Yup
  18. There has to be some ill shit in it, cause range rovers are no where near 200k new even... "BYRD GANG THATS MY WORD MANG"
  19. Excuse me miss, but who the fuck are you?
  20. W000 hooooo, happy newy years 12oz... | Northwest kills shit...
  21. http://members.lycos.co.uk/westcoastgraffiti/cities/tacoma/images/tac_b_highkeger01.jpg'> Whoever did this is a genius... Thank you..
  22. http://members.lycos.co.uk/westcoastgraffiti/cities/tacoma/images/tac_b_highkeger01.jpg'> The person who did this is a genius... Thank you...
  23. http://members.lycos.co.uk/westcoastgraffiti/cities/tacoma/images/tac_b_highkeger01.jpg'> The person who did this is a genius... Thank you...
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