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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. Re: stickers practice,,,,,,,,,,and then practice...........
  2. this is by no means and ubertone, if anything, its more straight than anything....
  3. ioll take some off ya hands, but i also needa trade for some more bobs, so we should do that soon
  4. damn, it is really really hidden, damn
  5. i like that too, i was gonna do that too, but i gues not now
  6. this is one damn good movie, i watched it on repeat for a long while....still do, and have read the book twice, one of the few movies that follows the book rather well, minus the fact that they left out the whole last chapter....good none the less
  7. some new ones got lazy when i colored most, damn im lazy http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/Picture_176.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/39612e43.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/9896f97a.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/c0f39134.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/4da1273c.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/6360d25d.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/e5287fcc.jpg'>
  8. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid97/p1cba2519ebce6bdba174b09355b9422a/fa06e082.jpg'> http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/9896f97a.jpg'> awe for me and jayfo, i just eventually did it, but i dont like it
  9. http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/2.jpg'> this one is amazin becuase if you look, the medium it is on, is very bumpy and what not, thats just crazy
  10. yeah, i remember those in juxtapose, but, explain what "the babble" is, cuz i dont know
  11. when i said tomorrow, i meant soon
  12. got-damn, those are so fuckin fresh
  13. imma post all my shit tomorrow that i have in my book so far.....
  14. yeh, i got 150 full page stickers in the mail, im pretty stoked
  15. damn hecz, ill have mine up soon, i have a few new ones
  16. damn hecz, ill have mine up soon, i have a few new ones
  17. shit, i like how this thread is going,,,,minus the shit and what not, but thats hard to get past in a thread now a days......ill post some newer shit soon as i get back to school to my computer......
  18. 26sidedcube, you are dope as fuck,,,,,,,ill post my enemy piece for me and amek tomorrow i think,,,,i still have to lay it down
  19. i like the fill here...not bad virs
  20. better by each sketch bounce...
  21. Re: Re: ^ how do you print your stickers?
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