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Everything posted by ciste

  1. I like the direction youre going in, however its a tough one to pull off. I would look into vintage day of the dead designs to get the sugar skulls down. On a technical level, I would try to work on cleaning up the lines just a bit. Make the lines pin point and I think you'll find your style. Keep it up though.
  2. misterblunt, that Charlie Brown piece is really nice
  3. Kimbo and Tank will be interesting. Kimbo's conditioning is far better than Tank's, but if Tank catches one of his big shots early, then he may pull it off. If it goes to a second round, Tank is in trouble. Gina Carano is wild. Hot and the top of the female MMA game. Cro Cop actually signed with Dream already so he may not fight anywhere else for a while. The cage is what did him in. He just never got comfortable inside the octagon. Tito is scheduled for UFC 84 so he'll be in the UFC for a little while longer. Elite does have some pretty decent fighters. Kimbo and Tank is just a cash cow for them. If anybody trains, I have a blog on jiu-jitsu, check it out http://www.chew-jitsu.com.
  4. Brock didnt look too bad in that fight. It was his first UFC fight and you cuold tell that he had some serious adernaline flowing and his nerves were on high. They put him him in with a ridiculously good jiu-jitsu practitioner though, so he was bound to be submitted. One another note, tonight is Kimbo Slice vs. Tank Abbott on Elite XC. That should be a bangfest.
  5. I know this is probably over and done with but I just read a bunch of the posts bitching about KOH's critiques. The problem with artists is that their ego's are out of control. I am even guilty of this sometimes when I paint something that I'm in love with. If you want to be an artist in any capacity, whether it be graphic design, gallery shows, graffiti etc, be prepared for somebody to break your work down to the basics. Negative or positive, step outside of your ego and really look at your shit. Now for some critiques: Myke - Try something other than letters. I think you have some talent in you but your letter structure is still pretty immature. It looks like you're covering up a solid understanding of letter structure by trying to make it wild. You have some good color theory understanding, so apply that to something else aside from letters. The tree canvas that you posted is a good step in the right direction. Spadeo - You really surprise me. You have some obvious talent but your attitude stepped in and tried to throw blows. You're an intelligent guy but you made yourself look a little foolish when you contradicted yourself on one huge point. You said that you know you aren't above critiques and that you take it in stride, yet on the pinup style sketch, when KOH said that the hand looked like sausages, you immediately re-confirmed that it was a sketch and ended with the ever so pissy "please". I'm sure I'll get people coming back with requests to show my work, shut up or some other witty retort. Truthfully, I wont because I couldn't care less whether anybody in here respects me or my opinion, I'm giving it anyway. A good exercise for anybody in here, myself, KOH and seeking included, is to sit down and really think about why you AREN'T good, not why you are. One thing to keep in mind is, just because you sell it doesn't mean its good. I know some artists who are factories once they find something that people will buy. Respond as you wish.
  6. Stagnant Water, KOH is dead on. You have some interesting shapes there. The softening of the background would make those pieces work. In the shot of the six pieces together, the background on the middle piece in the bottom row works well. KOH, good deed providing good advice and Im really digging your most recently posted stuff. I need to get off my ass and do some new stuff.
  7. Need to finish this one. Detail
  8. ciste


    Yeah I do have a new number. I sent you an email to what Im hoping isnt a defunct email account. Ive been ridiculously busy lately but I am planning to get some good things rolling soon. Keep up man, lloks like you are getting pretty good with the 3d stuff.
  9. ciste


    Lookin good case. I need to learn some of that.
  10. Lando, the shot with the phonograph is nice, as well as the self portrait. Just, not trying to be a dick but something is lacking in the pieces you've posted. The stenciled butterfly thing and the others seem too easy. It seems to be just me, since you are receiving some good feedback, but they seem very typical. I think if you dont do the stencil or pattern style (the jungle) you could put out something more creative.
  11. A recent piece. 4 canvases put together. The white border is because of the angle that the picture was taken from, its not part of the work.
  12. Piece for a fund raiser show for the survivors of Katrina. If anybody's in St.Petersburg Fl this saturday, the show is at the Vitale Gallery @ 7pm. The address is 1900 1st Ave S. I'll try to get some shots from the show.
  13. I have to agree with Cipher, Veto. You could leave in some of the bubbles at the top right because it has a nice rain-like effect, but the piece is fighting for attention.
  14. yeah man. Ive been working like crazy, moved back to Florida, and just been out of the loop lately. I should have more time now so hopefully the break will bring some new ideas and new work.
  15. Gotta say madcapa, that mouse, I dont get. Here's a new canvas. I should be posting more in the coming days.
  16. I might get in on the East/West thing. For the West Coast, since that is where I came up. Can I still enter?
  17. I hear you and actually fully agree. But here's my question. If it's about close-mindedness, why did you reply calling me gay and a nerd and whatever the last one was? That's refuting your own reasoning. I say, if you want some constructive criticism and advice, post your work and sit back. Let people put their thoughts out. Even if someone comes straight out and says you suck, let it sink in, look at your work objectively and see if they are right. If you dont think they are, post more work. If you do, do work that will shut them up and post it. The objective being, to post more work and feed off of criticism. Let it make you grow, not stunt your growth. If you think my comments make me gay, or a nerd, that's cool. I know who I am. Are you an art student by the way?
  18. Kristina, This is by no means a sarcastic or attitude induced question. I was just wondering if you are even serious, or are you just messing around to ruffle some feathers? The last time I didn't care about something, I just left it where it was. No second look, nothing. Think on that.
  19. Kristina, I dont know if your so defensive because your young, or you lack self-confidence in your work or what, but if you lose that attitude and learn some humility it will go a long way. Lots of people front on here about where they are from, so a simple "Yes, Im really from New York" would possibly open up some positive avenues of communication. Especially with somebody like Joker, who could definitely provide some good insight into your work. You arent enough of a net fag to care about a blurry photo, but a few posts above you recommended how somebody should resize thier photos for the net. Which is it. Heres some 12 oz etiquette. Come on here, communicate, remember your behind a screen so tough talk and such just makes you lose credibility. There are a bunch of good people in here, who are always up for giving advice. Take it in. Think before you speak. Take your own advice "Learn it. Know it. Live it."
  20. ciste

    The Babble

    My new favorite site. Hilarious http://www.wiggaz.com/pics1.htm
  21. Wow, The Zoink stuff looks good from everybody. Plebian, tearing it up man. Good work.
  22. ciste

    The Babble

    a little more http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/3.jpg'> http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/5.jpg'> http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/4.jpg'> Never mind, I found out who he is while looking for some pics. Enjoy anyway.
  23. ciste

    The Babble

    I love this guys work but cant fond his name anywhere. Anybody know who he is? http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/2.jpg'>
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