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Everything posted by Nekro

  1. Dangerously close to page 2, there is a large group of bats that live in a local elementary school in my town. They come out at night in the summertime.
  2. Damn, fool. Your friend sounds like an asshole, word to putting him in his place.
  3. It most definitely is a party up in here, I'm watching blade runner (first time)
  4. You can check out the shirt designs on the last page, they're crunk, especially the old english ones.
  5. Yes, that kick ass animation will do. Now i just have to figure out how to paint like that, Hmmm...
  6. I'm just waiting for someone to animate the wings. That will achieve true rad status. Hopefully dear leader will return with the promptness.
  7. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v236/max2k/KB_Fly_Or_Die.jpg'> Reppin'
  8. Pffft, you're a dumb bitch. Get your ass out of the ^o^ thread and stop burdening us with your stupidity. Today rules.
  9. Put me down for a size medium. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v236/max2k/Knightbatolashirt.jpg'>
  10. Nah, i'm from RI. Wicked. Nekro's color: Maximum Mauve
  11. Nekro


    Those rowleys have nothing inside em, just a half inch thick piece of foam. It's like you're on foam: nice for walking but death on a skateboard. All those fashion sneakers just want to be old school visions anyway.
  12. Page 20 party! Dancing teaser booty? http://img19.photobucket.com/albums/v58/GnomeToys/teasebooty.gif'> Check. What other party supplies do we need?
  13. Nekro


    Deto, true 12oz hipster with the diesel flip flops. I would hella rock these: http://vans.speedera.net/shop.vans.com/image/4445273B.jpg'> http://www.bootsonline.com.au/birken/graphics/milano400.jpg'>
  14. http://img12.photobucket.com/albums/v30/gliko/nekrokb.jpg'> Knight.Bats. :king:
  15. Pizza is a food group. I've been chilling with my dad lately, he's a pretty cool guy. He's a doctor, but definitely doesn't suffer from delusion (banned from life, for life). I'm glad regan died.
  16. Knightbats//use sonar to locate owls' nest, feast on a few babies in retaliation, then retreat to the clubhouse.
  17. http://unixpunx.org/albums/album05/Gold_Grill_Portrait_jpg.sized.jpg'> Fucking around with photoshop a while ago..
  18. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v236/max2k/KnightBatolas.jpg'> Chillin on the balcony...
  19. The knightbats are allowed to be both gay (happy) and gay (fabulous). You can't have a page 10 party without a disco ball. http://carnivalmirror.com/xxdisco.jpg'>
  20. The google image search responses for "face" are all baby pictures. Knightbats kn^o^w.
  21. Additional Late Nite Andre Info, courtesy of the artist by way of the Urban Discipline book: Andre began doing graffiti around 1985 in paris. He was always a lonesome cowboy in the french graffiti scene. He used to have a crew called TVB, but he was the only member. He was one of the first in europe in the early 90s who began tagging characters (he calls the Mr. A) For him, doing his character was the same as signing his name. Instead of letters, he used a figurative form of expression. Ever since he began doing graffiti, andre has painted on the street. For him, graffiti is not graffiti if it is not on the street and illegal. The resulting graffiti is not as important as the act of doing it.
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