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Everything posted by Nekro

  1. I believe that if you marry a US citizen you are automatically granted citizenship. I think that if you have a job you can stay here as well, that's if the bush immigration reform passes (basically a snowball's chance in hell, that was just to get hispanics to vote for him).
  2. Yes, and the bottom is the tastiest part of said lollipop.
  3. Tease's shitty life. Mammero's Drinking Exploits Wonk Saggin. E Crews of 12oz What's eating seeking? 12oz Homegirls
  4. No shit, my brother goes to vassar. Best sentence ever.
  5. It's fucking hot in RI, my weekend was turbo boring. And now to the point of this post: The Paint Game.
  6. Y'all need to take control of that computer. Set up everyone else with a limited account and password protect the administrator account. Lay the smackdown, talk to your housemates.
  7. I was on a boat yesterday with my brother Turner (Master T henceforth). It was rather small, and we were walking around on it. Master T turns and says "yo, check my hella sea legs." "Awesome T, now move your ass" "aiight, peep this awesome sea legged C walk" Bad story, but the thread was approaching page 2.
  8. Just write it by hand with a calligraphy pen or whatever. I didn't do anything today. The knightbatmobile should be the black one with orange trim.
  9. http://www.qeiracing.com/images/q1celica.jpg'> Knightbatmobile?
  10. Ah well, can't blame you. In any event, i'd hit it.
  11. You're a dick. This is my older brother: http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v236/max2k/DSCN0625.jpg'> Gooch: what's going on with the pleated pants? Everyone knows flat front looks better on everyone. Nekro//owns his own tuxedo
  12. I'm sure that if i posted my shit in here i'd get a massive ego stomping. I'd like to keep my sense of self worth sufficently inflated if that's cool, but I can post a couple flicks if you feel strongly about it.
  13. I like going into paper chase, all the graffiti is so incredibly terrible, it boosts my self esteem. All the kids in there are bitches too; "technically it's not a bite because I added an arrow and 13 extensions!"
  14. It's like 75 and sunny here with a nice breeze. I should be outside.
  15. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v236/max2k/Delusion.jpg'>
  16. That Jeapordy guy rules. I saw a sweet photo of him in the NYT.
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