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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. i will second that, money reward?anyone?
  2. sounds good to me, did someone have to many drinks before sleepy time?
  3. hey soy, those should be in "the new sticker thread". ;)
  4. thanks pikle, u said youd write it down for me but i forgot, so this helps.
  5. it kinda is tho..... so whats up junkie?
  6. ask pikl about me, we recently went bus crushing. wonk saggin.
  7. ah yes, so true, however, i never claimed to be the illest or anything close to it. i simply stated i had done this srt. so the point is. yes, exactly.
  8. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0000_007.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0000_006.jpg'> some new stuff ive been workin on.
  9. willy wonka has graced your thread.......now you are truely blessed.
  10. some of those arent bad. good stuff.
  11. he is quite powerful and you just cant step to him. i quit and i may have to join forces like old times, eh ol buddy? however, i still remain nuetral.
  12. wow, i didnt know u were banging my girl. ill have to smack-a-bitch. you still lost. mwu hahahahahaahha.......
  13. mmm? or is it 3m? i wasnt talkin bout you, someother kid said somethin but erased his post.
  14. does that sticker in the background say pork?
  15. yo, i have your package rwk, ready to send and all, i just need money for postage, broke times right now, sorry its so tardy.
  16. sounds like fun too, i had a friebd who did a while, but he didnt like it. so he never finished it.
  17. tease you cock monger, i never said i was a nightowl, i said unofficial nightowl, i also never said a nightowl beat a knightbat.
  18. fine fucker, but ill sway her with singing-telograms, stuffed bears and flowers through the mail, you have nothing on me....NOTHING!
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