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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. so iquit, ive beaten one of your knightbats. care to comment? what are your feelings on the subject? how will you retaliat? what are your plans for future losses?
  2. so i just beat that knightbat in the " who can stay up the longest battle" now im fucking going to sleep. unofficial nightowl: 1 knightbats: 0 later heads.
  3. so i won? i can go to sleep now? fuck yeaaaaaaaah! im off fuckers, i was about to come on here and say i give, but oh well. sleeeeeeeeep. see yall fuckers in the am.
  4. thanks all. hey stomah, have u seen cpikle lately?
  5. i bet he went to sleep, that other dude? he said he went to he beach....but he very well could have went to sleep....
  6. damn, thats alot for a pack of cigarettes. almost insaine. so i just got back from wanderimg aimlessely for 2-3 hours. putting up stickers, but now its too hot outside. i think ill go sit under my garden hose.bleh.
  7. well at least u came out ahead with your winnings.
  8. sounds good to me. before you log off post here. be far theres no way to say u actually stayed up that long, nor i did. but ill honestly come back here before i log off. i trust youll do the same.
  9. i got fliks of them too. morons sittin there laughing at how the string cheese looks wierd, for like 8 minutes straight.
  10. the dude edited out his post. he said it was a dope post but some of the stickers are weak.
  11. these knightbat kids are getting weak already.....
  12. top notch weekend fuckers!!! this weekend ruled. best ever... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever met up with this dude from 12oz on friday. we walked around for four hours catchin tags and throwin slaps. went to a wall that featured silo and mac. tooks flik next to it. took about 85 pictures. then went and saw troy with my homie wookie. got home slept. forgot i had volonteered to work this guys shift and woke up to my boss calling the ol cell i told her i missed my bus and am currently waiting for it. she told me the driver was on his way allready, so i ran my ass to te busstop. fun day at work, real easy. got home, roomates went to bar, so i invited this girl i know. she brought this other girl ive known forever, and some girl ive never met before. the two girls i knew went to get ciggarettes and left there friend. while they were gone i got some good oral real quick. some random girl. and this other girl i know was calling me up already on her way uninvited, so i told the other three girls it was my boss, and id been called in. so i made em leave. then i hung out with this girl i been diggin for a while. got drunk. took random pictures of us being drunken retards.walked her to her car after bout two hours, roomates got home, brought friends. they immediatly take out the weed and completly kill it for me, ol girls all" im gonna leave, sorry, i dont like that kinda stuff. so i sat around with 4 drunk high retardos tired as hell. cant sleep because the company and roomies are on my bed, (the couch) so here i am, fun and awsome weekend and theres still all of sunday to go. kick ass.
  13. *thunder cats yell* "niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight owls! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" still burning awake, who wants to sleep battle? see who can actually stay awake longer, starting now. an unofficial nightowl vs an official knightbat
  14. yea krie, dont get so bent outta shape.:D
  15. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/asshat.gif'> couldnt u have waited to send my package out till u made those?
  16. so what? i was complaining because he didnt invite me, i didnt say if he did i would join, shit man, iquit's my homie. he knows im just playin. its the internet man.get over it yeah?
  17. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/07.jpg'>
  18. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/01.jpg'> and oh yeah, owls fly too.
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