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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/00000000.jpg'> any one clock the time? i didnt. oh yeah, im joining this battle if you dont mind.:lol: :lol:
  2. "drywall" "trusters" "smokers" "martini" i dunno, got those from bout three minutes of t.v.
  3. ddi u guys chooase a word yet? how bout skip?
  4. i had a witty ass remark to back up nozaki...but i lost my train of thought...never mind.
  5. heh, actually i didnt know it was legal there. hmmm, ill keep away from there.
  6. couldnt really say. wasnt paying attention, it was on an electrical box.
  7. lol, so whats up earmuffs? any thing new happen lately? did you put that bike together?the new one.....
  8. the possibility would be endless, there is so many cereals.....propaganda, i forgot your email. hit me up.
  9. STOMAH good deal man. i caught a glimpse of one of your stickers while doin the 9 to 5. we didnt go back down the street after that and i obviously couldnt bring out the ol camera wthin the 5 seconds i saw it.ah well. maybe next time.
  10. awww, you two fight like a married couple.
  11. word, i gotta catch the bus in a few, so im out too.
  12. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0_007.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0_009.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0_011.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/a00.jpg'> the last one was a random one for you, meh. se, pretty big around ere, pretty mysterious.
  13. ahhhhhhhhh, swiffer, hit me up on aim. i like the way you get down to buisness, no beatin round the ol bush.lol. sorry bad pun.
  14. KOOT i like it.....even the k
  15. damn perro, im feelin that trash dumpster. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0_001.jpg'>
  16. propaganda, hit up my email or my thread....
  17. naw we crew kid. like brothers. man up. dont front.
  18. looks like i missed out on an interesting conversation there, iquits mustard was missing, fatbastard was talking about mingeling with youngins and fondling them, no? krie fears the holidays, some guy got his tonsels pulled and decided to make me lose my apetite for the breakfast in front of me, and earmuffs is the only one who did anything productive. cool.
  19. micro...what? the hell would you get that idea?????
  20. -------][/][-][-][`-][`}-][``][------ -------][--][-][-][_-][--][__][------ i was just lookin at your qoute micro......... *edit, after my fith try, i cant get it to line up. im done. ok after my nine or so try i think it should be good.
  21. awsome post. keepin the thread alive. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/00_001.jpg'> somethin i did today. nothin much, missions tonight if the rain, and my fatigue holds up.
  22. .....i dont know any of you...... :shook: :huh?: :huh?: :huh?: :huh?: :shook:
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