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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. you know, i saw the "fuck mothers day" thread a couple threads down, and thought "gee i wonder where alures been?shes a mom". and i come in here and found out shes posted. awsome. happy mothers day! glad to see your doing good. whats up owls? hows everybodys weekend?
  2. oh yeah, uh, is there any special rules, colors?outlines? anything?
  3. can i join the hard battle? :lol: :lol: just dont sound right.
  4. i got ahold of a black book some girl has, mink, heres osme of the better stuff i found. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_012.jpg'> front of black book http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_002.jpg'> im guessing her crew bought her this for christmas. hence the tree with presents??? http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_003.jpg'> done by:seige AL http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_008.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_006.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_009.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0bbook_010.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/0b0.jpg'> some stuff i did, i threw in some rwk stickers for the hey of it because his stuff is hott. thats it for now, aparently aries still ha my book according to rags, its been about two months now, i doubt ill see any of the books i let him see back. fuckin thieves.
  5. some colabs. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0b01_004.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0b01_003.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0b01_002.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0b01_001.jpg'> i still have to send rwk his package out, im slacking. sorry rwk. some that are being sent to "nvone" for drunken character colabs. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/colabs_001.jpg'> the dvd is so you can get a feal for how big the stickers are. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/colabs_002.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/colabs_005.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/colabs_006.jpg'> thats it for now i guess.
  6. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0bbook_015.jpg'> OSS-167 and TOBY http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0bbook_004.jpg'> AND....AGAIN http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/0bbook_005.jpg'> AND A SOLO OSS-167 if you guys look closely, i dont know if you can tell, but the beak of the duck is a 1, the wings are a 6, and the tail is a 7. its pretty cool stuff.
  7. aw, you big dumb oaf. you shoulda put this in the street sticker thread, i read that thread religiously man. your lucky i saw this i only came i here because im dying of boredom.
  8. bean aisle invader crew. woot woot!
  9. well everyones entitled to there own opinions. nv where u at.
  10. holy shit thats a funny ass suit. gwa hahahahahhaha. :lol: :lol: what was the occasion for that suit mams? halloween?
  11. hot damn, everytime you grace this thread with your presence you salvage it. amen. you should make more chicken donuts. those were the best.
  12. and all of this is soooo true.:scream: :spin: :love3: :love2: :love2:
  13. yo dlokddlokd, theres plenty of people that put pieces and work on there stickers, but we favor characters. people tend to notice them more as opposed to some wildstyle on a lightpost noone can read. people stop to look at charcters because theres no heavy thinking involved, and if its unique then lots more people stop and think about it. i used to do strictly piecing and all kinda colorfull shit, but ive noticed people dont tend to look at it more than a glance, whereas ive seen someone stop and look at a bob i slapped, or a toby, or the mario ghosts/characters. dbd, yeah i hear ya, combining curse words is funny too, like: fuckass. or even taking off letters, like: homosex. or fucktard. really, the possibility's are endless.
  14. ha yeah. shes too young tho if i remember correctly. ah well. oh and dbd, i have alot of new randoms to show, u none graffiti related. perro, hot stuff man. asshats an awsome word. use it.
  15. im always good for a laugh. so.......whats her name, number....is she single, hahahahah. hop on aim asshat. i have fliks from the rebirth/exodus show. *edit: also, it looks like theres a piece on the wall next to ya sis. get a flik of that for me will ya?
  16. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/bobwilldie.jpg'> so anyways. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/000_005.jpg'> this is the first bob i ever put up, still burns to this day. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/000_003.jpg'> some random http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/00workn_002.jpg'> and so on.
  17. sarifs&clips and neVR.KAwt. you guys selling them?
  18. hey uh dbd.......how olds ya sis?:crazy: :lol: :lol: :crazy: http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/street%20stickers/01_002.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/street%20stickers/01_001.jpg'> id like to give BIG props to the person that killed this post with the 1.29 price tags. WOOT WOOT! http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/street%20stickers/01_003.jpg'>
  19. plans switched to saturday slyde. *edit, yeah no shit.:eek: that chicks got a bangin bod. i bet its his woman.;)
  20. wow, sounds like u had fun. grab a beer krie. calms the mind.
  21. wonka i painted a quick character on a wall down the street. the shadow from the billboard made it impossible to see as i was painting with a light blue dollar store brand spray. ha looks shitty. lines are all fucked. didnt help there was cops bout 100 yards away. i have fliks, wanna see? odd that palastine one types"..." then willy wonka shows up, then palastine one again that fast. hmmmm.
  22. good post sir. wheres everyone else at? i painted toby on a wall last night. it was pitch black due to a billboard shadow and i was using baby blue type paint. its all i had. i fliked it today and it looks horrible, hahaha.
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