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Everything posted by angelofdeath

  1. depends how you train i guess. if you are a strength athlete you will constantly be increasing your weight. if you are training for hypertrophy, i guess you could just keep the same weight and increase reps. either way you train, you will be getting stronger one way or the other.
  2. mad hip hop what son im guessing those youtubes were a joke
  3. blood sweat and no tears
  4. 'strategic deconditioning' is the hep new bb'ing term. thats sort of like "automotive refueling engineer" for a gas station attendant.
  5. i dont think losing 20 in 2 weeks is realistic for everyone by any means. but i did know this dude who was close to 300 lbs and was about 5'6" he did atkins... lost 17 or 18 lbs in the first 2 weeks.
  6. concrete... diet coke is fine... no carbs. just fake sugar stuff that might be bad for you for other reasons... rotator cuff... only shoulder work that does anything for me is heavy barbell and dumbell presses and laterals. stay off the smith machine for presses... unnatural movement = problems.
  7. i think that probably depends on your current carb intake, water retention and weight. probably if you are a hoss, you could probably easily. oatmeal isnt allowed on the diet, but it will give you the fiber and what not needed to keep your bowels straight. if you have that problem like i had on the diet.
  8. yeah, im unaware of any major differences between the 2. just watch your shit hole... if you start getting clogged up, do yourself a favor and eat some oatmeal or something to get your bowels straight
  9. i was actually really small at the time. around 150... i sort of did it for my woman at the time, to keep her on track with her diet. i notice big differences if say, im used to 60 grams of carbs per meal when bulking, then reducing to say 100-120 grams a day.. i get teh harz pooooperz
  10. the only draw back, besides maybe fat/salt/high blood pressure/etc is constipation. some people it doesnt effect. but i tried a ketosis diet a few years back, and literally after about 1.5 months with it i was on the toilet in agony trying to shit for about an hour. i finally got everything out after lots of laxatives. i was never in so much pain in my life and have since decided to NEVER go onto a full ketosis diet again. I get good results with under 80-100 carbs a day and have been carb cycling with great results. although, i sort of fell off the wagon a few weeks back due to a little bit of traveling, lots of birthdays, etc. if i ever do try a ketosis type thing again, i'll still eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning to keep my insides in line
  11. most likely, just dropping that shit, especially sodas, you'll lose a bunch of water weight pretty quick. you are eventually going to have to go to a small 4-5 meals a day plan with under 100 carbs a day, with enough protein to keep your muscle. most of your calories should be protein (get 1.5 grams per body weight a day, divide this over 4-5 meals) and eat veggies. carbs keep at a minimum if you are trying to cut. i wouldnt cut them out completely, but stick to whole wheat breads, oatmeal, grits, rice, whole grain pasta, etc. when you do eat them.
  12. +1 on HIIT i've used controlled labs fat burners (cant remember the name off hand, but it was an older version, before the night./day pills came around) for the past 2 months and seems i noticed good results initially, but they tapered off in effectiveness. my friends brother competes and he takes CLA, hydroxycut, hmb, dhea as well as a few other supps when cutting, i cant remember the rest. dont know if its his genetics or his routines/supps, but he is a beast
  13. my bench is weak... 230 (pounds) x 1 squat (full below parallel squat) 325 x 1 dead 425 x 1
  14. i've never taken it but heard it works. most people say its over priced.... i've used white flood by controlled labs and you notice a big difference. then again everyone is different. i will be using white flood routinely again when i get some extra $$$.
  15. yeah, that shit is pretty hot
  16. those ero and apes throws are way to small
  17. i think heel's point is... that if you stop creatine and stop lifting for a month, you'll probably lose the 'weight' you had with creatine. it is mostly water weight, but that doesnt negate its other positive effects like your mentioned, as well as allowing you to lift harder and longer therefore leading to more muscle. some creatine products tell you to take it before and after. others just after, others before. if its plain jane creatine... just follow the directions on the canister. best creatine product i've tasted is the controlled labs green matrix im gonna start using this, with white flood and purple wraath, very soon
  18. were you lifting balls out full throttle? or maybe you ate to much right before you got in?? its not THAT uncommon to hurl after insanely intense workouts.
  19. i hear ya.... if i run or jump rope two days in a row for any meaningful period of time... i get major shin splints
  20. lots of people think that 1000 or 1500 an ounce is a psychological high. the prediction is, as has happened in years past, was that once gold hits a certain point, people begin to sell out and it generally drives the prices back down. say this time it might get driven back down to 900 oz. it all depends on your situation. gold is still relatively cheap adjusted for inflation. in 1980 gold peaked @ 850 OZ. adjust that for inflation, and todays 1000$ oz gold is still pretty 'cheap.' if you have a portfolio that is worth about 50K, i'd damn sure have atleast 10% of that in gold right now and wouldnt hesitate to buy it right now, because i feel that the economy is not going to be any better any time soon. if a depression does come from this, as it looks like we might be on a slow countdown to one, i'd much rather have gold than a bunch of worthless stock certificates. people have been saying gold is 'to high' right now since it peaked 300$ an ounce during the housing bubbles formative years. then it hit 500$. everyone said it was too high. then 700$. 'too high.' now its 1000$. as long as the dollars value is in the gutter and the fed keeps inflating (generally. but they are deflating right now, ironically) gold will keep 'going up.' we are witnessing the demise of the dollar right now folks. i'd much rather 'overpay' for that ounce of gold (they have been saying gold has been over valued since it hit 300$ an oz. ) to try to keep what i have during hard times. you will still be holding tangible money, not federal reserve currency.
  21. "Investing now is too late. You are more likely to see loss, prices wont go up for ever. To see worthwhile returns, at over a grand an ounce, you would need to put up $10,000 minimum assuming prices continue to go up. Also have fun trying to sell that back. Im sure there are plenty of people willing to sell to you, but liquidating gold is a bitch. Gold, historically, has been a terrible investment." gold is not an 'investment' per se. while it is possible to 'make money' buying and selling gold, one generally chooses to hold gold to make a statement and to protect what you have. gold has held the same purchasing power basically since it was adopted as money by the market. once everyone is talking about something, like flipping houses, buying gold, it is usually time to sell out while you are ahead. if you buy gold, you should buy it to hedge inflation. holding gold is no different than stacking cash under your mattress. the only difference is, that gold will hold its purchasing power, where as the cash loses purchasing power. if you are buying gold now, one thing is for sure, you think the economy is headed for depression or crisis and that by holding gold it will allow you to keep some of your wealth to the other side of the crisis. just remember what it is. it is money. it is not a stock that goes 'up' in value, it is a commodity chosen by the market and it still reigns the supreme sign of wealth. when the dollar goes down, gold essentially goes 'up.' but it is not really going up, the dollar is going down in regards to purchasing power. if you bought lots of gold when it was cheap in terms of federal reserve notes, say 200$ an ounce... the general advice is to have a line in the sand. like 1000$ or 1500$ an ounce. then sell a percentage and put the money into tangible investments like land, or something that tends to hold its value. there is no doubt gold will continue to 'go up' in terms of federal reserve notes. consider that in 1933 gold was 20$ an ounce. later it was changed to 35$ an ounce. today you need 1000$ federal reserve notes to buy that same ounce of gold. so if history is any indicator of future trends, there is one thing for sure... gold will continue to climb in terms of federal reserve notes and it indicates the inflation rate. but one thing is for certain... no one ever went broke buying and holding gold.
  22. platinum was at 2100 oz today. id definately recommend buying gold. however, once the mainstream starts talking about it, the money has already been made. my prediction is that in the next couple years gold might rise to 1500 then start falling back. but the biggest thing to remember is that buying gold isnt done to make money necessarily. yes, you can make money on it. it is possible. but is more of a way of simply securing what you already have. 'keeping what you got' in a sense. to 'make money' in gold you have to sell it. i'd say the only time i would sell my gold is if i got it @ 500 oz and sold it @ 1500 and put that money into something tangible like land. anything but federal reserve notes. i've heard alot of guys, (guys who owned gold back before 01 when it was 200$ an ounce) say that when it hits 1000$ they are selling their coins, stranger foreign gold coins first, and saving kruggerands and eagles for last, and putting the profits in to land, firearms, anything that is tangible and holds its value. i'd imagine some people made a nice profit on some of those transactions. i think with the recession here, the stock market falling, and commodities going up, people should take things with a grain of salt. dont look to make tons of money off of this. over the last century, gold has pretty much stayed the same in regards to purchasing power. as a matter of fact, so as oil in the last 30 years. in 1980 after reagan deregulated gas and brought the price down, it was about .80 a gallon. if you take a typical 1980's gas price of 1.24 and adjust it for inflation, you come up with 3.18 a gallon. so alot of this commodities boom stuff going on is really just an illusion. buying gold shows that you have a pessimistic outlook. i say buy it. the collapse might be just around the corner. if you adjust 950$ an ounce gold for monetary inflation that has taken place, gold is still CHEAP compared to the highs in the early 80's. although it sure would of been nice to of bought it cheap and stacked it deep in 02 or 03.
  23. there must be an ugly tag in the corner of 75% of the freight pictures in existence.
  24. jams from stuck extractors. if you get a double feed from this condition, you have to slam the butt to try to extract it and i'd imagine a solid a2 butt stock or a battle rifle stock would hold up better than a collapsible stock. never happened to me... just sayin'
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