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Everything posted by angelofdeath

  1. if you were lifting heavy..... then welcome to the club. you are a pansy if you havent puked after a work out
  2. i basically do the same moves but i gotta spread my routine out a bit over a few more days than just two
  3. that soe guy should probably just quit writing that word anyway
  4. i hear the px90 is no joke... but i've never tried it
  5. enjoy the strength while you have it. your maxes or strength gains probably will be a thing of the past when you start cutting you tried floor presses or using bands to try to break your bench plateau?
  6. 2 hours isnt so bad.... think about it. if you do cardio for 30-45 min or more... lift for an hour - hour 15 min... thats 2 hours right there. it all depends what you are doing. but if you are doing bicep curls for 2 hours... then YES you are there to long.
  7. i have had all the parts to put together another custom bolt gun, but cant pull the trigger on the 1500 gunsmithing bill. you are right... 3K gun, 3K scope. $1500 zeiss diascope spotter. laser range finder $500-1000, kestel - 300$, etc. it does add up. and people think im nuts with a $1600 bolt gun, $1200 scope, 1000$ spotting scope... lol
  8. i was at the gym yesterday... new years crowd in full force.
  9. Nice looks you have been on snipershide?? Those first two sticks belong to hide members. I always liked that surgeon action in the multicam chassis. The tac ops w/ schmidt and bender 5-25 is where it's at.
  10. just follow this: http://www.defrancostraining.com/articles/38-articles/60-westside-for-skinny-bastards-part1.html there is also 2 other variations to this program. use these as a template if you want to try something different. these west side style templates changed the way i work out. start thinking about 'bench day' or 'squat day' instead of 'chest day' and 'arm day.' basically on this style program you hit your upper and lower body twice a week. one heavy day (max effort) and one light/speed (dynamic or repetition) day. you train the lift hard, then train the muscles that support the lift. bench day... do some variation of the bench press, max effort. then usually a 'supplemental' exercise then you do accessory work for tri's, lats/upper back, biceps. squat day, you do a squat variation, then accessory work. things like glute ham raises, reverse hypers, hypers, fast partial romanian deads, pull throughs... and abs. then comes speed day or repetition day. pick one. max reps on bench with light weight. or speed sets. 8 sets of 3 with 50% of one rep max. i dont consider myself with a big enough bench to benefit enough from speed days, but i do them occasionally but usually do repetition days. i usually go heavy on military/overhead press on this day. for speed lower day i do 8 sets of 2 50-60% one rep max box squats. then do a dead lift or dead lift variation, heavy. rack pulls or dead lifts while standing on a plate or two. then do accessory work. i always add in conditioning of some kind, jump rope, sled dragging, a couple times a week. i also throw in '50's' during the week. 50 chin ups or dips, etc. the basic theory behind the westside strength routine is train the lift without actually doing the lift (floor press, board press, incline press, rack lockouts, etc instead of actual flat bench... or box squat, good mornings instead of squats. rack pulls and pulls from a platform instead of from the floor dead lifts) and concentrating on your weak points. (like hams in your squat if they are weak, etc) the defranco template adds in some body building accessory work which helps build mass, so you get the best of both worlds.
  11. i'd do something upper body man... im not one to work same basic muscle groups the day after i hit them hard i do abs on my lower days.
  12. pistol grip shotguns are useless unless you need to conceal it. get an 870 or mossberg 500/590 with buttstock. if you want, get the mossberg with the pistol grip, but make sure you get the buttstock as well. this will satisfy your inner gansta, but when you really need to use it make sure the buttstock is attached. nice AR's up there. i see you have a larue mount... you hear about the arms vs larue law suit? arms is suing larue tactical for patent infringement on their #17 mount. so to put the debate in the hands of the people... larue is offering to replace any arms mount that you INTENTIONALLY break with a larue mount of similar style. the huge pile of rubble will be displayed at the SHOT show. larue challenged arms to do the same with larue mounts, but we'll see what happens. i've only heard of people breaking the arms mount and not people breaking larue to get an arms. luckily i found an arms mount in my possession, broke it, and sent it off. all my mounts and stuff are larue except for this one mount.
  13. go to a NFA dealer and they will walk you through the process. i dont hold any NFA weapons, but the process involves FBI/ATF background checks, finger prints, 200$ yearly tax stamp (you can have anything if you pay enough, right) the process usually takes months. you generally pay for the NFA item, they submit the paper work, 8 months later, you take possession. also note that when owning an NFA item, the ATF has the legal right to inspect the item whenever the hell they want. suppressors are ATF form 4. i've heard of guys taking possession of them within a couple months. also note, the best way to hold NFA items is through a 'trust.' you can set one up with quicken willmaker software or have a gun attorney set it up. if the trust (that you control) holds the NFA item you do not have to get finger printed, as a fictitious entity does not have fingerprints. the trust has to hold atleast one other possession. alot of guys form the trust, and transfer a simple #2 pencil to it. then get there NFA items transferred to this entity as well. also note that it can be argued that you do not need to further register new 'owners' (controllers of the trust) with the ATF. if you sell an NFA item you should be able to simply sell the trust that holds it. i dont know legalities on this, but this is how companies, corporations and businesses avoid taxes. for instance, you dont sell the real estate, you sell the business that owns the real estate, to avoid commercial real estate transfer taxes for instance. if a car is owned by an LLC, you dont have to re-register the car if you buy the whole LLC. you just simply take the keys, title, and LLC paper work and put it in the drawer and you are the new owner. its a whole lot of bs to wade through just to be able to spend a bunch of money on ammo to blow on full auto
  14. ^^ glock 18 full auto's are class III/NFA firearms as well.
  15. yeah, definitely ugly under there
  16. beretta is a good handgun, but glocks basically never die. there isnt much of a price difference in all these different guns... you might as well just get the top dog and be done with it. a 1911 is a good handgun as well, but most people dont like to handle them... you have to be a little more technical, make sure its clean, have to deal with cocking and locking it. if you are just starting out, and want a semi auto, its best to keep it simple. make sure you get a handgun that is in a caliber that starts with the number 4 a 9mm or a .38 is better than nothing... but ask yourself how much is your life worth? there is no compelling reason to go to a lower caliber than a 40 or 45 unless you are a pussy (or girl) that cant handle recoil. if you want the handgun for self defense, get the 40 or 45. once you get that, get the 9mm or .22 for target practice to save $$ on ammo.
  17. Save double that and just get a glock 23 or 30 and be done with it
  18. for 5K you could outfit yourself with a custom tricked out bolt gun w/ $2500-$3000 schmidt and bender glass. a couple thousand more you could have an edm windrunner in .50 bmg or .408 cheytac the choice is clear... forget about that handgun...lol
  19. you dont need a "FFL" to get a NFA regulated firearm, you simply need to pass NFA background checks, get fingerprinted, pay yearly 200$ class III stamp, wave your fourth amendment rights and accept the transfer of the weapon if you jump those hoops. Class III is usually a playground only for the rich. considering ammo costs, tax stamps and the govt created shortage of automatic weapons due to the '86 bill banning newly made full auto weapons being allowed to be in the hands of civilians. which is why you have $20K class III 800$ (real value)m16's.
  20. i wouldnt fool with a mach 10... to rinky dink for me. only small class III i would mess with would be an MP-5 and that was if my armory was so stocked it was ridiculous and i had alot of extra cash. i cant see paying 10-20K for 300-1000$ aks or ar's, but then again, im not rich like most class III guru's. only class III purchase i have on the list for the future is a suppressor or two
  21. ^ it doesnt matter, you wont be able to hit anything effectively past 10 yards anyway with that thing. bump the sage stocked m14's. i wanted one for mine for a while, but would rather have a JAE. much better platform but i wont ever get that until i get a second m14 3=2, 2=1, 1=0
  22. xd's are nice. i'd own one, especially now since you can actually get spare parts.
  23. illegal without NFA/class III license/approval shotgun barrels must be 18" outside of NFA regulations
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