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Everything posted by SpyD

  1. SpyD


    you played KOTOR and Jade Empire?
  2. SpyD


    not to be a negative Nancy, but Assassin's Creed was a letdown. illstate grab CoD4, thats the hottest multiplayer game right now
  3. SpyD


    I just started Mass Effect about 10 mins ago. looks good so far
  4. thats warts from HPV. nasty ass nigga
  5. SpyD


    I put about 16 hours in. mostly just doing the minimum amount of investigations prior to an assassination.
  6. SpyD


    modded xboxes. Yeah i'm on Call of Duty all the time. I beat Assassins Creed last night. it was aiiiight. could have been WAY better but it gets repetitive really quick. rent first
  7. SpyD


    I'm playing assassins creed now. shit is dope!
  8. Yo, some cats from my school kidnapped a kid and tortured him with some freshly baked cookies. word life LINK " (KTVI-myFOXstl.com) -- Two S.I.U.E. students are charged with kidnapping and torturing a 19 year old by burning him with freshly baked cookies. Authorities say it happened at a home near the S.I.U.E. campus. Detectives say 3 people went there to purchase 400 dollars worth of marijuana. Instead 2 of them stole the pot and ran leaving the 19 year old behind. Detective Sgt. Gary Burns says 23 year old Rosario James and 20 year old Jordan Sallis tortured the 19 year old trying to get their drug money. He says it started out with freshly baked cookies. Sgt. Burns says, "They were extremely hot and several were put on the victim's shoulder and chest burning him severely." Authorities say the suspects also beat the teen with a fraternity paddle, gave him a demeaning haircut and poured a bottle of urine over the victim's head. In between the torturing the 19 year old called friends trying to get someone to bring him the 400 dollars. Finally, he told the suspects he could get the money. When the suspects and victim arrived at that home the victim ran inside and called police. "
  9. SpyD


    The Xbox 360 Arcade version is $280
  10. SpyD


    I'm bustin asses in CoD4 all day son.
  11. SpyD


    the multiplayer is raw as hell. I'm playing the single player right now and it's pretty damn good too. it's like playing a movie
  12. SpyD


    Ok, so I got my xbox modded today. Call of Duty 4 is out, and it's the shit. fall back niccas
  13. Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?! you forgot to make it BOLD buddy.
  14. sucks man. You'll be alright though. stay up! TH status for life
  15. SpyD


    I just got another xbox. the Arcade version, and just threw my HD on there. I havent had a chance to get it modded yet, so I only can play Gears. but at least I'm back in the game
  16. Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?! yes. I am heterosexual. confirmed
  17. Re: What so you Wikipedia? I do it all the time. Yesterday I was reading about the Lindbergh kidnapping, and found out that it was the case that made kidnapping a federal crime
  18. SpyD


    yeah that maddox dude is funny. he's friends with Tucker Max
  19. For the same reason Eric Benet cheated on Halle Berry.... cause they STUPID!!
  20. DHabz is turning this thread into something from CROSSFIRE... "Heavy!"
  21. "Nigga respect the game, that should be it What you eat don't make me shit"
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