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Everything posted by SpyD

  1. SpyD


    the only reason i got killzone was because it was dirt cheap (used and old) and becuase the name of the title was just so badass. I still love this game. anyone remember the demo discs the original playstations came with. it had like cool boarders, some game with a gecko, bloody roar, and some other shit. THAT WAS CLASSIC Quoted post [/b] IQube. and parappa the rapper. Jet Moto was also a good game
  2. SpyD


    http://www.modchipsource.com/ I've used them on 2 seperate occasions with no problem. That was for Xbox chips though ps. I mod Xboxes I've done about 30 so far.
  3. SpyD


    yes. this game was real good. Quoted post [/b] yeah, even with the little bugs and controller and camera problems it was good.
  4. SpyD


    Man, this game was sooooo fucking tight. me and my cousin used to play this all the time. That Badger ninja or whatever was dope
  5. SpyD


    I've never thought FF VII was THAT great. I liked 8 better
  6. SpyD


    i bought this, it seems okay but not as awesome as morrowind Quoted post [/b] fuck outta here. Oblivion gives you a much better sense of direction than morrowind, while not seeming to force you to do anything
  7. SpyD


    they should make a pink dildo game
  8. SpyD


    Just got done playin GRAW, it's dope. PS3 has a 90% chance of NOT being $400. Blu-ray players are extremely expensive right now, and the PS3 has that wack ass drive, so dont hold your breath on that 400 bucks. Plus PS3 wont be out in Japan until November, and I doubt that sony can do a worldwide launch like they say, so it'll prolly be late december or Jan before it hits the states. Meanwhile, the 360'll be right around a price drop. Developers will have had a year with the system and be able to pump out better quality games
  9. SpyD


    I had MvsC2 on Dreamcast
  10. SpyD


    Fuck blu-ray. That shit doesnt matter to me. I got an old ass 24 inch TV. HDwho? and PS3 will be dope, but if people think it's gonna just come and BLOW 360 outta the water then they got another thing comin.
  11. SpyD


    YEAH I HATE THAT THAT'S WHY I DON'T BUY PC GAMES NO MORE. OTHERWISE I'D HAVE TO UPGRADE OR BUY A NEW COMPUTER EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS. STICKIN WITH THE CONSOLES IS EASIER. Quoted post [/b] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814102657 I'm gonna cop that boy pretty soon. Not really expensive and a good upgrade from where I'm at.
  12. SpyD


    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. FUCKING GOOD. I've played 30 Hours and havent even been fuckin with the main story.
  13. I always said that if I started dealin with some underworld type shit that I'd have like small amounts of plastiq explosives on my hard drive and memory attached to a panic button outside of the comp that I could hit if the FBI ever came to my door
  14. this is tight. you can record shit from your phone. we oughta get somthin goin usin this.
  15. after a restart I have 46GB left. Something was wonky. Time for a backup and wipe
  16. ok. and when I delete some big ass file it still says 0
  17. ok. this shit is wack. I go to sleep with 30GB left on my drive. Not downloading or recording any tv. wake up: 0bytes left. WTF
  18. vista is gonna break alot of people's wallets. and I havent been impressed with the rc's and betas yet
  19. thats for the gamecube version, and my school blocks the bittorrent ports anyway
  20. anyone here have the dremcast iso for Ikaruga by chance? I've just put in a request on alt.bin.cd.i.dreamcast too
  21. what you mean do you want to take a snapshot of your hard drive so you can restore your computer from a cd/dvd? Quoted post [/b] No. I wanna backup some pretty large folders, but not do it manually. Have the program split whatever is in the folders at 4.7GB and just continue on another disc without me having to do it manually.
  22. yo what's the best way to backup a large amount of shit to DVD-R? I usually do it manually in Nero, but I know theres a way to just specify which folders I want backed up and for a program to just burn backups with the only involvement needed from me being inserting another disc.
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