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Everything posted by casekonly

  1. jeans, long sleeve oxford, and polished buckskin doc martins: proper for a casual over 25 date? you have 20 minutes to complete the quiz. GO! here's naomi campbell pouring milk on herself (inspiration)
  2. that's not the '23' is it?
  3. what about the italian chandelier? male on bottom, female on top with back facing to man.
  4. the 12oz find a girl on myspace, fuck her.
  5. i still think you should stalk her. don't be shy about those phone calls at 3:00 a.m., either. women love that kind of shit.
  6. i like staking them out for a few weeks. i don't call it stalking because i already slept with them. ok, after i haven't been noticed for about 2 weeks, i like to take elmers glue and some little paper cut-outs of dolphins and i paste them up to her door. like one-two a day. after she wonders what's going on, i blow her house up. not really. just gotta live and get over it, mang. sometimes you can love someone without being with them. ya know? s'what it sounds like to me, you love this chick, but you aren't realizing that you don't have to be with her to still love her. love her from a distance (outside her window).
  7. i bet that's a cia page. they are collecting data on us!!!!! seriously, though, i did wonder about that.
  8. what would you say if someone dropped that shit on your neighborhood and your daughter was burned alive from the inside out? from a military aspect, it makes sense, from a human aspect, none whatsoever. life is a big dilema.
  9. they look young and very uncomfortable. guy is a douche/ how fucked.
  10. i think jesus will end up in soho owning a sunglasses shop
  11. nah, not really. i always thought i resembled mike d more than those two guys, though it also says i look like this guy zsolt baumgartner
  12. http://www.myheritage.com/FP/Company/tryFa...g=EN&database=1 find out what celebrity you look like
  13. but.....the nsa loves kids.....
  14. well, i'm a guy, so i'd have to say 'no i wouldn't miss my nipples' they are quite useless.
  15. i catch it when i catch it. don't make plans on watching it, though. funny stuff.
  16. i make up my own puzzles, too. how did all of my cigarettes disappear while i was tripping on acid? that's a good one.... or the ever popular why do i have nipples?
  17. http://www.nsa.gov/kids/ just saw this...i realize it sorta belons in crossfire, but it's also humorous... hope that excuse lets it slide this one time.
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