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Everything posted by TGUNNER

  1. Thanks for posting that video!
  2. ^^^^Pics or Didnt happen lol^^^
  3. Someone had to say it! lol. All in all great photos though..
  4. Here http://www.flickr.com/search/?s=int&d=taken-20110319-20110319&ct=3&mt=all&adv=1&w=all&q=super+moon&m=text
  5. This train took the COPE2 video! Ces made cope look pretty bad lol.. One of the best clean trains ever done!!
  6. Great info, as usual.. Found bodies there? I never heard that. Whats the story? Murder? Hit by train?
  7. If I am not mistaken, there was a Ryze (Boston) and Bel on that wakk as well.. Thanks for posting that, Fishtail!
  8. We looking at the same pic? It's a HIMS piece. Check it..
  9. Nigga ?? :rolleyes: Bump Dyrect and Jesse!
  10. Hahah. He said you are a cop!
  11. Key Wane Duel Trap Spone PM!!!! What book is that from?
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