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Everything posted by TGUNNER

  1. Sucks. I know you guys feel, losing such a good spot..
  2. You have good taste.. Bump all of these!!! That Vulcan!
  3. IS that way you put it on the radiator? lol For real though. Trout Art Supply have the best caps for these. http://www.troutartsupply.com/product-list.php?pg1-cid11.html
  4. Whadddup, man!! Different TMC right there...
  5. Sorry, if you're over 40, you only get 5 points :lol:
  6. Two of the last Redbirds left! If you know about these, 10 points for you ;)
  7. YESSSSS SIR!! Pove will never go away! I see some new Pove throw ups every now and again. Always makes my day!
  8. From "This is My Name" on Flickr
  9. IMO This piece right here changed the game forever. A huge turning point for graffiti in general. It still WOWs me!
  10. Even though 95 percent of this stuff does not belong here, Im still giving you props! FOr this espc!! One of my fav pieces ever!!!
  11. Hahah awesome!! Sorry to bring it up, man!
  12. ^^I have some old Met Sneb Stet blackbbok stuff^ I'll Dig it up. I remember your throw-ups all along the hutch and 287 and ironically after what you said about your gf, I remember you doing her name pretty big on the horse trail lol.. Was it Janeanne or something lol??
  13. Since we're posting Halloween productions.......
  14. ^^^That's a sin^^^ It really is.
  15. Love the GF throws.. Good Pics! Keep scanning!
  16. COREROC!!!! That Bom5 is one of my all time favs as well!!
  17. OMFG Im dying... Props, buddy!!!
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