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Everything posted by TGUNNER

  1. OMFG. I dont even know to say.. Keep talking on here, telling everyone who you are. You're going to have allot more problems than Jick making an example of you....
  2. Agreed. Fuucking morons...
  4. YeS, Sir. Same guy!! Awesome pic Conoli!!!
  5. Those are not fake pics. They are scaled subway tunnel and train replicas. The graff may not be 100% on point, but thething as a whole, is actually pretty damn amazing..
  6. Been outta the game for a minute, but still got all my contacts. I can find something to sit next to that Supra, on the street, no doubt.. ;)
  7. Agreed!!! Miss those stangs!
  8. LOL. Got the whole story!! Thanks!! Again, Props to Focus for sharing his flicks!
  9. Did vet do this? Def a vet sketch. Some parts look executed by him, but overall, i dont know. Grave??
  10. I know - I know!! R U serious, dude?
  11. Hahahaha. Masterminding In progress!!
  12. If I ever meet focus, I'm shakin his hand! Cant believe he has these flicks!!
  13. the XTC should give it away. the pic is a still from certain movie. cmon, guys..
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