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Sir Doodles

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Everything posted by Sir Doodles

  1. Opening day is coming soon....Mitch repping the White Sox (although I think he's a northsider) and Freko (please don't jinx) pulling for the Cubs....yup. Let the games begin.
  2. Nothing like a dope piece caught as a fuzz shot.....
  3. Ian Curtis? (Better than Weezy, Gucci and any other sorry ass rap act out there).
  4. Baby thigh ass niggaz shit made my day today...thanks Doc J!
  5. Oh Jeez, not another case of name calling snitch this snitch that....Wyse is boss for a reason not treason.
  6. He has to go through a review process which is the same for all applicants.
  7. More condos so no one can live in them....
  8. You can thank the Disney Corp for that....
  9. Street art vs writing (oh I mean Graff) go paint bristles!
  10. I don't want a dirty Zionist ballerina dancing pig soiled in Petroleum money as Mayor of my city...
  11. That's a lot of spraying to be done to be famous, but you're right, fuck it....
  12. I invented the wheel and Rap music...so there.
  13. Thems porno stars making educational science friction flims...
  14. Ahhhhhh, nothing like a good ol' continental beef. You're all a buncha cocky cunts you is...oh yeah, well at least our teeth are straight! Big-ups to those that done did it, continue to do it and those that will do it in the future...
  15. North Side White Sox fans vs South Side Cubs fans.... I am neither but i do enjoy a good ball game....
  16. Nothing new under the sun... Scop RIP
  17. Nobody cares about where you're from....Chicago love or no love!
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