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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. I think its still around. I just happened to find those flicks and reposted them. My original photo host decided they didn't like me. and yeah...you don't have to have a good camera to take good pics. composition, contrast and creativity is what does it for me.
  2. thanks guys! I couldn't let those die in the old thread. I grabbed a camera for this weekend. I should be able to get some nice stuff...there's lots going on.
  3. SteveAustin


    hell yea! can't fucking wait. last I heard....you can't go wrong with the Pista. I think Bianchi even makes a track specific Pista.
  4. http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/3055444a.jpg'> http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/3055446a.jpg'> http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/3055449a.jpg'>
  5. bump http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/3055441a.jpg'> http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/3055443a.jpg'> http://www.seemesmile.com/photos4/3055447a.jpg'>
  6. Found some old shots from the first photo thread. Thought they were lost. If I can get the photo host to work...I'll post some of em up.
  7. yeah, sorry flixster...I'm not a fan. one thing I've noticed about that "technique"...it seems like its done with mainly chessy, cutesy subjects.
  8. she doesn't look bad when she's not fat...I'd hit it. seems to me...I remember her kinda bouncing back and forth between fat and not.
  9. the sounds like the very beginnings of photography as an artistic medium all over again. Alfred Stieglitz helped pioneer photography into an accepted "art form". info on stieglitz
  10. SteveAustin


    Re: who's going to the world courier championships in september? !@#$% I doubt I'll be in Seattle...my funds are way too low right now and I've already committed to a couple other trips. I highly recommend shipping your bike out via UPS or FedEx. You can send it to a shop if you don't know anyone out there. Hell of a lot easier than taking it to an airport and carting it around. Plus boxes get the full x-ray now, so theres no lying and calling it something else...figure that in and the $40-$100 fee the airlines charge...and its just not worth it.
  11. SteveAustin


    kilo....the kickstand has got to go! My race this past weekend was plagued by mechanicals. My own class lapped me. The only good thing that came out of this race was when I finally fixed the bike and set off again. I jumped back in behind the 8th place guy, but I chased down and passed everybody up till the third place rider. It was nice to know, had I not had all the problems, that I would've been in the hunt. Found a Bianchi Axis cross bike for $500. Sounds like too good of a deal to pass up. Anyone have any old race team jerseys they wanna trade?
  12. bad ass....monster I'm really digging those new ones Rage.
  13. yo crazeeb0b...sorry I never got back to you man. If you have any specific questions about that stuff...holler.
  14. I went out this past weekend with a friend and shot a couple of rolls. I still have to finish one up....ran outta light. Also busted out the 4x5 and pinhole. I'm anxious to see how they turned out.
  15. SteveAustin


    I've got a race coming up this weekend. Only 3 1/2 more months till cross season starts! I'm planning on doing some damage. I've started practicing for RAGBRAI. Drinking lots of beer and riding.
  16. SteveAustin


    if your hesitant this is the way to go. fixie is more gangsta and sometimes easier than the single...mainly because you always have momentum via the cranks always turning...but sometimes...you just want to coast.
  17. SteveAustin


    hmmm....this reminds me of something...maybe a movie....but I just can't put my finger on it. ha-ha. sucks you didn't get to do the mavic car ride...I was hoping for some bad-ass pics. I've started riding on a regular basis again. Not as much as last year, but enough to drop 10 pounds. Kinda freaked me out. Didn't realize I could get that low.
  18. SteveAustin


    Re: the healing properties of the bicycle amen, man. hope shits better today. I got busted by the only female motorcycle cop in this entire town. Bitch was all business, didn't even let me say a word. Only 14 over, so its a good thing I wasn't going fast. The way she ran to her motorcycle and jumped on it you would have thought I was clockin' 150.
  19. kilo...you and me both man. Soon as my new digi shows up...I'm gonna be a shooting fool. I'm working on getting some girls to let me do nudes. I think the digital will put this on lock. Love the industrial look...but I can handle warm and fuzzy. Fuck it man...postem up.
  20. I really, really dig this one. Love the soft warm glow of that lamp. good shit.
  21. Canon Powershot G3 http://www.bwayphoto.com/images/big/cnpsg3.gif'>
  22. finally...I'm getting a digital camera. can't fucking wait. hopefully I'll be posting more in here.
  23. SteveAustin


    bump... I just picked up a cruiser on the cheap. I bought it with the intention of giving it to someone, but I'm not too sure about that now.
  24. ^^awesome. some of the prints I have at home on the walls have that same type of frame.
  25. fuck...I actually get busy at work and miss most of this shit. Hopefully I'll get out this weekend.
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