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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. SteveAustin


    Re: fixed-gear question umm, I wouldn't exactly say impossible. pretty much the only way its gonna happen is if something breaks...and if something breaks and you end up coasting then most likely something else will end up breaking as well. so in other words, a working fixie won't coast. Thanks Alkaline. BTW: one last thing about the HID. It works really well as a defense also. Shine that bright ass light in someones face....they can't help but back tha fuck down. I'll do a race report up later. It was one hell of a race.
  2. SteveAustin


    Niterider Storm HID all the way. It is worth every damn cent. I have an older Niterider Digital that mounted on the bars as well. I bought the HID light when it first came out and I have had nothing but good experiences. Niterider is a kick ass company that probably has the best customer service in the entire industry. The Storm completely obliterates any other light. If you are riding behind someone with another light...the storm will overpower their light. Hell, its worth the money just for the burn time alone. I consistently get over 4.5 hours burn time with this light. One last thing to consider is that Niterider is usually at most of the 24 hour endurance races with their quick charging stations. Get the storm!
  3. SteveAustin


    right on man. Joker is rockin' one of those Haros as well. one of these days I'll get a digi of all my bikes and post it up. the big 12/24 race is this weekend. I went from a bad ass 4 man 24 hour team to a pretty bad ass 12 hour duo. Got tomorrow off, so I gotta pack shit up tonight and get ready to go.
  4. SteveAustin


    ha-ha. yeah that would definitely be confusing. As bad ass as she sounds...I think I'll pass on being an 18 year old girl. I'm out there on the web somewhere....but I'm not telling where. I've caught myself almost making reference a few times. what are you riding these days?
  5. SteveAustin


    Joker...here is an example of a resume. Mine doesn't compare to it. http://www.magenlong.com/resume.html As far as listing the BMX results...I'd only do it if you have some nice results. List it as a discipline and be sure to note how long you've been racing. I don't think 7 good results in one year is a bad thing. I haven't been on my road bike since the last spoke breakage. I guess I figured it was time for a little break. I rode my SS mtb (road geared) on one of my road rides the other week. Wow, that ride hurt more than I expected it to. I don't really see me doing that anymore.
  6. SteveAustin


    Hell, I didn't know that. I sure could use one of those books.
  7. SteveAustin


    my streak of bad luck continues. last night I managed to fuck up the exact same finger on my right hand. Since Karma had me up against a wall muggin' my ass, I can only hope that the rest of the season will be uneventful. Maybe I'm getting my injuries out of the way early instead of during the cross season. gadamn...somebody put some miles in for me.
  8. SteveAustin


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...don't buy a bike from Walmart. Those bikes are nothing but shyte! I'd look for a bike with a good frame and so-so components. Its far easier to upgrade components than it is a frame. This will help keep the cost down. Look for used bikes as well. Go to some of the shops and ride lots of different bikes. If you find one you like, but can't afford it...look for a slightly older used version somewhere. Bikes don't normally change too much from year to year. I'd avoid the Cannondale CAAD4s. It seems like everyone I know has been breaking them. Of course the positive side about this is that they have excellent customer service and replace them rather speedily. Check out mtbr for reviews on entry level bikes.
  9. quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Spade I made a wood frame out of 1x1's and i take the stencil and staple it to the frame. (Kinda like a canvas). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another way to do this is to use poster board, matt board, cardboard (basically anything cheap and somewhat rigid) and fix it to the outside edges. It'll give you about the same effect. Obviously not as good as wood, but then again wood doesn't fold. ;)
  10. SteveAustin


    ha-ha, I was waiting for you to post that. bout time you got your ass in here. TWaT (tribute to white trash) race is gonna be hella good times. wish some of you guys lived closer so you could witness this.
  11. SteveAustin


    my week hasn't been the best either. The same night I broke another spoke on the road wheel, I took the mtn bike out. It was pissed off at me for neglecting it, so the front tire was flat. I just aired up the front (slow leak) and went out and rode. I'm almost done with my ride when I get some nice air on a jump. My landing is kinda weak and I start heading for a big tree. I muscle the bike away from the big tree and end up putting the bike down. As I'm sliding on the ground like an asteroid hitting the surface....my ring finger gets caught on this little ass tree. I just remember seeing that finger fold back in a position that just didn't seem possible. Thought I might've broke it, turns out (most likely) its just a bad sprain. I refused to go to the doctor, so I just placed my hand on the scanner, scanned it and sent it to a doctor friend. He was real hesitant to tell me it wasn't broken. Swollen like a motha and still hurts like hell. I'm emailing Ritchey about the wheel. hopefully they'll hook me up. Until I get my sponsporship packages...I'm not buying a thing.
  12. SteveAustin


    Just in case someone was doubting....Ritchey wheels suck. I broke another fucking spoke last night. I got about a half mile away from my house when this one snapped. I know that sound all too well.
  13. SteveAustin


    joker Brotha....I found a bike with your name written all over it http://www.ellsworthbikes.com/page/big/JokerClrzdWeb.jpg'>
  14. SteveAustin


    congrats on the new job Hesh. send summa dat karma my way....workin' on new sponsorships.
  15. SteveAustin


    almost forgot. Does anyone know anything about Accelerade? I can't find Revenge anywhere. I got some really priceless looks from store clerks when they asked if they could help me out. Especially when I replied that I was looking for some Revenge. One dude flat out looked scared.
  16. SteveAustin


    old people Thanks for all the info on the wheels guys. I'm leaning towards the Dura Ace Open Pro set up. I also heard some good things about Cosmic Elites. Ok, so I'm riding home from my group ride last night when this old man pulls out in front of me. I'm not thrilled about it, but its happened enough times that I'm used to it. I move over into the left lane. This is where it gets screwy. The old man keeps coming over until he practically had me in someones front yard. I got pissed and gave his quarter panel a nice swift kick. Fucker keeps on going like I never even was there. I kinda snap a bit and decide to go chase him down. I ride right up next to him on the drivers side. I yell something like hey wtf's your problem? Dude doesn't budge and I have to stop before I run into a parked car. Not feeling quite satisfied with how things turned out...I chase him down again. I catch him at a stop sign. Old mans using both lanes. I pull up and proceed to beat the shit out of his other quarter panel. Doesn't even faze him. After that I decided to call it quits and go on home. I honestly don't think this guy was ignoring me. I think he was flat out oblivious. Wouldn't surprise me if he hit a car or some kid.
  17. SteveAustin


    wheelsets Ok, so I've found a few wheelsets to replace my spoke breaking Ritcheys. Mavic Cosmos Shimano 535 or Shimano Ultegra with Mavic Open Pro rims. Any opinions? I need a bomb proof set of wheels as I plan to use these for cross racing also. Cinn Crunch...any suggestions? The set needs to be on the inexpensive side. The Cosmos and 535s run around $300 for the set.
  18. SteveAustin


    Temeratures were supposed to be in the low 80's. Something musta changed cuz it shurly wasn't. Decent sized field showed up. I think my class was the largest. Race was a nice 21 mile jaunt through the woods on my home turf. I prepared for this race like any other determined mt. biker....I drank the night before. Woke up the next morning sans hang over and feeling pretty good. This was the race my team puts on, so I was required to be out at the site rather early, which pretty much sucked. I really would have rather got a few extra hours sleep. Anyway, most everyone is lined next to each other. The race starts and there is a mad dash for the one 6" ribbon of trail (started in a field). I refused to take a spot in the middle, so I stayed on the outside riding through the field until I could pull in around 3rd place or so. We dash through this field, then head down into the woods on singletrack. The pace was really intense. I was trying to keep up with the lead group. My lack of a warm up was really showing as I was starting to fade away from them. Just to cement the fade, I got sloppy and hit a tree. My bike and I go flying through the air and land right on the trail. Somehow I avoided being run over, but I lost at least 8 places. I finally got back on the bike and started giving chase. I chased down and passed most of these guys for the next 6 or so miles. At this point, I really had no idea where I was placement wise, but I kept going as if the same guys were still in front of me. I pretty much rode the rest of the race by myself. With about four miles to go...I started getting that hungry, I'm running low on fuel feeling. So I finished off my powerade (I ran out of my energy drink and couldn't find any more mix in town) determined to keep my pace the same. Just as I passed the mile marker letting me know I had two miles remaining, I heard a familiar voice exclaim. "I see you!". Shit, it was one of the guys I'm friends with and have a running trash talk and friendly competition with. At this point I am full on bonking and I know it. He closed the gap between us in a matter of seconds. He, along with another guy, passed me on a big rocky climb. Nothing more frustrating than being passed by someone you know your faster than and watching him straight up leave your ass. I remembered I had some emergency gummi bears in my pocket, so I downed them and took off on an even higher pace, determined to catch him and pass him right before the finish. The gummi fuel only lasted about 3/4s of a mile. At this point I crashed and crashed hard. I had zero left and had run out of water back when he passed me. I just kinda rolled in at a nice easy pace and finished a minute behind him. After the race was over I found out I had been in 5th place for the majority of the race. My little bonk dropped me down to 7th. Fourth place was about a minute in front of 5th and my lap time for lap 3 was about 5 minutes slower than my other laps. Later that night I swore off Mt. bike racing and told my team I was racing road only next year.
  19. SteveAustin


    alright. product update. Ritchey wheels, er more specifically, spokes suck. don't buy em. I broke another spoke on the rear wheel last night. won't get the wheel back for a few days. I hate it when I miss my road rides. any suggestions for a good set of wheels that won't cost as much as a bike? I'd love to have some Ksyriums, but theyz too damn xpensive.
  20. SteveAustin


    My old mt single speed is known as The Fiendale....other than that, no names...just titles. I also have: The Fixie The Single The Road Racer The Mt. Racer The Commuter The Loaner The Tandem The Dually The Cruiser The Other Cruiser and last but not least...The god damn I wish it wasn't too big for me, I guess I should sell it 80's Bianchi. cinnamon...smell that? starting to smell like cross season round here.
  21. SteveAustin


    seeking...you working on some kind of a pimp machine or have you just not gotten a bike yet? if you haven't anything in mind...what you lookin for? I'm always looking for bikes for people...I'll add you to the list. I'm gonna be without my bike from Thursday to Monday. Its gonna kill me I think. I have to go to this 3 bachelor, bachelor party this weekend. I have a feeling people are gonna get arrested. I suppose the rest will do me good.
  22. SteveAustin


    I just wrote a big ole long race report, when I hit the submit button it ended up disappearing into the pc void. Oh well. If I get more time I'll write it up again. I did end up getting 3rd place this weekend, so I'm stoked. Joker...nice report...felt like I was there. Tearz...just gotta jump in and do it. I'm sure you'll do well...as much as you've been riding.
  23. SteveAustin


    All the guys I know at my LBS work on their own bikes at the shop and on the clock all the time. Granted they don't do it when its busy. I've been lusting over some of those Phat Cycles for a while. They've got some 24" ape hangers. These bad boys are gonna help transform my old tandem into a one man lead sled. That bike is so fucking heavy the hills will probably damn near rip my legs off. We did a pub crawl this past weekend. I've got this huge bruise on my bicep and absolutely no clue how it got there. Definite good times. Something just delirious about 30 peeps on bikes riding through the city stopping at bars. Some of the stops included an "alternative lifestyle" bar....with a drag queen show, a lesbian bar with a total of around six BDs. They had karaoke...without the words on the little tv. One of the guys had the brilliant idea to try and drink them out of Schlitz....didn't happen. Couple of fixie skid competitions. Damn near forgot about the red neck that was acting like a bouncer and giving everyone hell. By the end of our stay at the bar...he was buying everyone drinks and apologizing for thinking we were bad punk kids.
  24. SteveAustin


    I've been looking for a ride like that. Straight pimpin. You need some silver streamers for that sweetness. Had a bum ask me for a ride on my bike the other night. Almost did it, but didn't trust the weight on my skinny ass bars.
  25. SteveAustin


    another candidate for U-Lock justice another Lance is not neat article: http://www.msnbc.com/news/785267.asp?cp1=1 Yuh know, its been years since I had journalism classes, but I remember actually having to do research before I opened my mouth and said something...much less put it in print. Like one of my friends said...they just don't get it. side note: I got to see the overall results of the race series I just completed....8th overall. Quite pleased with this. I really feel like I'm gonna be on when cross season rolls around.
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