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12oz Original
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Everything posted by heavyLox

  1. tess, i like it. thats whats up. that has been the case for a while but after the last move its a new ball game, although much of it gets done by my better half, at times i get a back log. the outbox is full and needs attention.
  2. yeah i will need a super size one or two regular sized ones. And if we were in the same area i would take you up on that offer NOW. its actually not so bad i can put it in (pause) and go back home and its safe.
  3. i do need one of these. Although it will just add to the general Hev looks like hes homeless issue.
  4. i have one of these. living in a "hand wash your shit" country for a few years, has made me addicted to the machine wash cycle.
  5. this is the second time i have lived somewhere without facilities....I own the machines. but they are too big to jerry rig, in the current spot. Im pretty sure the beezies wash their under bit coveres by hand, or at least the ones i know do, but they do have other things that need be done.
  6. The laundry pile is sky high. and it might be easier to just buy new clothes. i don’t have laundry in my spot right now. and i have to go to the Laundromat around the corner. generally i sneak some essentials in to the lady’s laundry on the sly. What i love/ hate about the laundry experience: Spanish language TV on full blast, speak been blown years ago, sounds like a bad AM station. Wild ass kids being bad and then getting beaten viciously cause Spanish moms don’t play. Local gossip Unemployed househusbands who look more beat down then the kids. Quarters pulling my pants down, although this new spot works on the 'card' reader system, which also blows cause it cost X amount to buy the card then you have to put money on it ( i got 5 on it everyday) Walking down the street like a jackass with a big bag of laundry I have yet to find the HOT GIRL Laundromat. hot girls where do you clean your skivvies? SO SHANNELL ZEEEROW where and how to you do laundry? can i drop of some items to add to your loads? I got quarters. ***** i also notice that 99% of threads started by or added to by hev seem to almost immediately go cold... hev the thread cooler. how will the streak go.
  8. So how are we feeling about the gigantic race for prez. this is going to be and historic race. A black man, and a WOman, and the normals. THis is the perfect time for the two minorities to cancel them selves out, it already seems like Obamama, and Shrillary are going to go neck to neck and basically drive folks to other candidates. which is kinda sad casue personally i think it would great to have a NON status quo pres, if only in the sense that it would shake things up a bit and maybe allow others and ourselve rethink our stances and opinions. However so far i have heard the most encouraging talk from John Edwards. LETS HAVE A LOOK: this is not a complete list of runner and thinkers of runners can you name them all by face? what are the issues you care about? this is not CH0 right? lets talk.
  9. the power of know ing preys compells you!. few sketches for my man ETIPS:
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco my dude you need to relax. regardless of your issue, a lot of caps lock typing isnt helping your casue any. Everyone of your posts are on some negative bs, either add something constructive or leave.
  11. Artist: Redman Album: Whut? Thee Album Year: 1992 Tracks 1. Psycho Ward - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 2. Time 4 Sum Aksion - Buy: iTunes Music Store 3. Da Funk - Buy: iTunes Music Store 4. News Break - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 5. So Ruff - Buy: iTunes Music Store 6. Rated "R" - Buy: iTunes Music Store 7. Watch Yo Nuggets - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 8. Psycho Dub - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 9. Jam 4 U - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 10. Blow Your Mind - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 11. Hardcore - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 12. Funky Uncles - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 13. Redman Meets Reggie Noble - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 14. Tonight's da Night - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 15. Blow Your Mind [Remix] - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 16. I'm a Bad - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 17. Sessed One Night - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 18. How to Roll a Blunt - Buy: iTunes Music Store 19. Sooper Luver Interview - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody 20. A Day of Sooperman Lover - Buy: iTunes Music Store 21. Encore - Buy: iTunes Music Store - Rhapsody for my money this is by far Redmans best Album in full.
  12. How high was on the ohter night, dumb ass movie, i love it. I miss: the Triad of evil is not nearly as dasterdly and hateable without him.
  13. 2000-03ish vangoffie love. this was for zealot some years back.
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