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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. did you check my bulletin on myspace? did you know my temp number is on there? can you program that into your cell?
  2. guess what? did you know that i cracked my windshield 2 days ago?
  3. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo congratulations
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear milky, let me give you the shitty details. i had my cell in my back pocket and when i sat down to pee it fell in the toilet so i peed on it then flushed it. i was washing my hands and realized my phone was missing. in the mean time, the girl who went in after me peed on it and tried to flush it. it smells like pee pee. <3 ssn p.s. i need your number again.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear last night, the language arts show was awesome but why did i have to drop my cell phone into the toilet? <3 ssn
  6. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! an octopuss ate shumai's head and a squirrel sat on lena-lou. pooping in the snow is no fun.
  7. went snowboarding today at northstar. began with chorizo and eggs ended with an awful awful.
  8. woke up and went to the dentist. no pictures just some xrays. laundry with shu hike with lena pug snuggles smokie smoke guitar hero
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Alure, thank you for my lovely package! <3 ssn
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali-g, you made me crash my car last night. thank you. <3 ssn
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear eatso, maybe yes maybe no <3ssn
  12. so to continue my day... caligula and i went to jacks for food. we saw a poor truck with a tree on top of it from the storm. i drove over an island and crashed into a fucking pole and pulled that shit out of the ground. now my fucking door won't open!!! oops.
  13. do you think alf fucked around with girls who brought drama? why do some guys thrive off drama more than girls? are girls who bring drama sexy?
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