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Everything posted by ClueTwo

  1. Damn Arcel, I thought out of all people, you wouldn't...
  2. HAAA....We knew that was gonna happen....^^ How about this... _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
  3. Damn SLime, that's sick as fuck...
  4. Hmmmm, I couldn;t find the Photoshop thread, but I was bored and conjured this... http://www.you-are-a-huge-nerd.com/public/freepix/Kluertag.jpg'>
  5. Don't be mad....You got burned. This is the last time I'm coming back into this realm of unbelievable wackness..So you know, that shit only took me 15 minutes and I had no influence from any other piece. I hate fakers like yourself.. http://www.you-are-a-huge-nerd.com/public/freepix/Burn.jpg'>
  6. You know I would smash your face right now for those kind of comments. Don't write like I'm the idiot here...I'll take any word, any day, and run it through you. Act like you know......
  7. Well you never said anything about a non-stop, but fuck you anyway...This for you tough guy... http://www.you-are-a-huge-nerd.com/public/freepix/Zombieoner.jpg'> http://www.you-are-a-huge-nerd.com/public/freepix/party-smiley-3.gif'>
  8. Here's another good link for ya... Alot of heads from my crew too...Check.. MetalHeads....
  9. Please hold.......Here ya go.. Wake....
  10. You do know that there's a WAKE from A2M don't you?
  11. Yeah, but the guys a WANNABE jedi.....A true gangster aint no WANNABE...
  12. Indiana is straight pimpin. Hans always wanted a girl, but couldn't hack it. It's all about pullin hoes, and honds-down Indi always got the bitches...Hans is a hater wanna-be Jedi ass nigga...
  13. I was pissed about not being to see it on the last page, so I'm reposting..
  14. http://home.graffiti.net/clue_2:graffiti.net/Skullie.jpg'>
  15. Oh yeah, forgot this one..... http://members.aol.com/stoneeli/future/dick-yell.jpg'>
  16. :rolleyes: http://www.attachmentglue.com/assets/dick.gif'>
  17. ClueTwo


    http://home.graffiti.net/clue_2:graffiti.net/throwie.jpg'> Nonstoponer....
  18. Well choose another name while you do the "drawing".... http://home.graffiti.net/clue_2:graffiti.net/Kluer.jpg'>
  19. Wrong Clue, but I had to post this again, for BabyKlue...Just so you know what your up against... http://home.graffiti.net/clue_2/KlueSpanksyourassoner.jpg'>
  20. ok, I forgot there was a fuckin PaperChase until about 5 minutes ago, first thread I see is toys post here, and I see this...HOW FUCKIN IRONIC.... [/img] Damn Haters....Wonk... ****Took the picture outta there....
  21. Personally I think this is some really good photography... http://www.eshiu.com/images/m1_6.jpg'> http://www.eshiu.com/images/p2_5.jpg'> Not only is that an excellent portrait, but she is absolutely gorgeous.. http://www.eshiu.com/images/m1_4.jpg'>
  22. http://www.movieprop.com/tvandmovie/reviews/happygilmorebarkerfight11.jpg'> I love Bob, but I'd be so down to throw down with him. Just watching him and Adam Sandler has got to be one the best fights in movie history... http://snoot.org/i/wuss/barker.jpg'>
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