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Everything posted by MrChupacabra

  1. Trash all this fat white wimmins.
  2. Agreed. Though I think a 5 game series might be too much in terms of downtime for the division winners' pitching staffs. 5-7 days off for the starters isn't really what you want to see. I think a 3 game would probably be the ideal length and would only add 4 or 5 days to the schedule, depending how they want to do the days off.
  3. Completely agree. I really like that it makes the playoff race (and actually clinching your division) a lot more important/exciting, but 1 game playoffs should be reserved for game 163 situations. I also really don't like how the wild card winners now get home field for the first two games of the division series too. On the other hand though, I do understand that they don't really want to make the season/playoffs any longer than they already are, but fuck that. Give me more baseball.
  4. /Cosign the shit out of Cilone's last post.
  5. If it's in his neighborhood and visible to him and his kids (and any other kids who are at the park), then it is his business in my book. Edit: and sure, he could've confronted the guy, but you gotta assume someone who is going to visibly fuck in their car in the middle of the day in a residential neighborhood next to a park is either dumb or fucked up on something. You really think confronting him and putting his kids into potential danger is the right move?
  6. You're really struggling today.
  7. If anything, he probably got negaprops from people trying to look hard on the internet. if u wuz reel street u wulda knocked dat nigga out infront of ur yung kids yo
  8. Also a different news story on that one. Any which way, I don't really see why Cilone would make up the details and then get fist to corroborate the story if it was fake. But then again, I also don't see why so many 22 year olds are fucking 14 year olds, so who knows.
  9. ^Completely unrelated news story? edit: well, I guess its also about a 22 year old fucking 14 year olds. So not completely unrelated.
  10. control + click. Copy image address. Paste.
  11. Some BS snaps from today. First time trying out the in camera panorama too. Not too bad. Some banding in the sky, but it could be easily fixed if I wasn't lazy. ****Edit: Panorama is probably gonna cause some side scrolling for folks, so I'll just link it instead HERE
  12. Yeah, KC, Cleveland, and Minnesota have sure been getting sooo much better with their .444, .419, and .413 records. The third place team is 13 games back of the WSox for fucks sake. Find a new argument.
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