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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. Here's a great way to improve at anything in you're life. It's a really novel idea, especially in this era. You ready for it? Here it comes.... WORK HARD ASSHOLES.
  2. I'm calling the scarecrow. As if that's any suprise.
  3. this is actually a cool idea. ok heres the deal. tomorrow by 5pm, everyone post some eggs they painted. everyone can vote on it, and then i'll ban the winner or something equaly fun.
  4. Re: so im drinking pooosey.
  5. yes, so many of the Americans on 12 ounce are world oppressors and imperialists. they arent just a bunch of douche bags writing on a bunch of stupid shit. everyone should suck it.
  6. I like the part where that joke was so five years ago.
  7. Hesh is my boy, but i think he is going light on you guys. I like even less of you that he does, but I got his back on this. Hate on my man.
  8. Re: do you believe in time travel funny thing about time travel...the second that it actually happens, then it becomes something that has always happened. provided that you can go in reverse. hmmm. im bleeding from the eyes.
  9. There is only one "iceman" and hes moving to the south soon.
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