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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. just take a shit in your pants. real hard.
  2. King Of Hell


    I was just looking at that....and I can not for the life of me remeber who did it.
  3. King Of Hell


    That Cinelli is one of my favorite bikes ever.
  4. King Of Hell


    Possiblly, but thats the exact places I tape up because its where the lock sits, the bike rests againt what ever kind of pole I lock it too, and where the hadlebars hit the frame if they turn all the way. It looks like dude is trying to hide the fact that it's a langster, but the top tube and down tube are a must for conservation.
  5. King Of Hell


    On the subject of the law stating that the bike can technically have the whole lane and the car people not wanting to share it... It's a strange dynamic. If you think about it this country has been so all about the car and driver for so long. It's bred into people. The physical landscape of the country has been changed umpteen times, peoples lives uprooted, cities re-mapped just to put more roads for easier access and better driving. Every batch of new cars that has come out since the inception of cars has always boasted new features for the driver. Better, smoother, easier, faster. Now, take the current up swing in bicycle usage. It's like taking a step backward to alot of people. They have been rasied to think their car is all important. They paid how ever many thousands of dollars for it, gas costs however much, and don't forget that most people view their cars as some sort of freedom device. Of course they are going to have issue with sharing the road with what is in their opinion some stupid, slow piece of metal. "Get a fucking car hippie!" I AM NOT DEFENDING THIS SITUATION. I just think that its interesting to note the dynamic between autos and the people who drive them who obviously fell that any inconvenience to the speed at which they drive is unforgivable, and the bicyclist who uses a cheaper, more fuel efficient, less environmental harming, pro physical fitness device to get from point a to b. now these are all generalizations, but I can feel that tension when I ride and come into car/bike situations, and I bet others can too. I wish there was a way to slow the whole fucking world down for a while.
  6. King Of Hell


    Dude, how much stuff are you uneducated about? seriously. Just take 20 minutes and read the fucking thread.
  7. King Of Hell


    How about you just drive carefuly, and share the road.
  8. King Of Hell


    yeah, makes me want to have a lot of money.
  9. King Of Hell


    Becarefull you dont just slide out though.
  10. any more photos f those crazy weird clown faces?
  11. King Of Hell


    Yes. Thats why the bike is calld that. The wheels resembled the difference in size to that of those coins.
  12. King Of Hell


    Actually, i think pennyfarthings beat the shit out of those ugly ass conglomerations. Pf's have charm.
  13. That shit is fresh. Large scale crazyness.
  14. King Of Hell


    Yeah, that depends on city layout more than anything. Broad, spread out citiesverus tightly packed cities with individual communities.
  15. Walking dead is my favorite fucking thing right about now. Im all about it.
  16. King Of Hell


    CO-FUCKING SIGNED. I was trying to be diplomatic, but like I said, conversions freak me out. Danger Will Robinson, Danger! Dude, you said "don't be a boob." Boob.!!!!
  17. King Of Hell


    You could convert it so to speak, but that shit always freaks me out. If you convert it, put a front brake on, so you don't pop your rear wheel out and kill someone.
  18. King Of Hell


    yeah, they do, but you can get the no brake surface ones if you ask. most if not all of them in the stores have the surface.
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