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Everything posted by Frate_Raper

  1. jessus christ, so much wrong in one post mog.
  2. yo panic attacks are fucking weak and ruin my whole day..........painting last was good but VERY VERY LATE
  3. yo hesh,I'm in my 20's still po pimp'n my ma's crip son!I'm debt like woah and I refuse to move in to an apartment unless IT'S mine.....fuck rent! my cars alot nicer then all your bikes BITCH
  4. I need a job inwhich I can work only sundays,and maybe friday nights. My earning income has been maxed,if I work anymore hours for my salary I'd be stupid! I could really use and extra 200 a month. I also can't go back to the warehouse job I had in college,I couldn't do it because it sucked and time has come for me to move WAYYYYYYY on.I really don't want to learn a new job though and I was reallllllllly good at that place.
  5. here are a few wesley. i cant stand when i post all that shit, then half the people cant even see the shit. wtf Quoted post WHY WOULD YOU GO OVER THAT DYER PEICE WITH THAT SHIT?
  6. I gotta work at 6 am Monday morning,I've been listening to the CROMAGS and hitting trains all weekend in this FUCKING HEAAAAAAAAAT.
  7. Yo that shits retard......"Hey in the name of art I'm going to recreate the Holocaust"
  8. waiting for people pisses me off..........
  9. I'm sun burnt,I have to work tommorow and I want to use my new bolt cutters.
  10. I got A TON of paint this weekend,and for the first time in forever I paid for it.I didn't pay alot but I paid none the less.Then my buddy showed me the layups in his hood.They're RAD,I'm stoked to kill them. This week has fucking sucked,I've admited I can't do my work load and I've hired some one else part time,so this is two part time dudes plus the 3 of us fulltimers.Shit sucks,I feel like I lost,but it also means were doing more work.
  11. Yo bitch is mad rude, she went shopping on our one year after I took her to a play and got a room,then she invited her friends up to our room for drinks.......I don't drink. Moving is the worst shit EVER..I moved in scope last time I moved it was like 16 trips.
  12. I'm pissed off this week,a companation of shitty a diet,sleeping and working sedcule have made me a angry fuck this week,also it's my girlfriends birthday.She hasn't invited me too or encluded me in any of her plans.I'm pissed off about it. I'm working this weekend too cause I have nothing else to do....... Whats poppin?I'm dling shit and have nothing else to do but wonder what the weirdos on 12 oz have going on in their lifes?
  13. I got more paint in my trunk them some of you have as a "stash"
  14. Big Zek and Dabs are two of the greatest graffiti writers canada could serve up.Not just ars writers but as people they make graffti cool still for me. Huge respect to JKR
  15. show some more pfe boys.suet!!!!!whats up from canada...i gots yo van nigguh
  16. come see this band at these places OCT 1 - Brighton - Michigan - @ The Annex First United Methodist Church 2 - Battle creek - Michigan - @ Airtime Skatepark Help me out aight! the band is ELEVEN MINUTES AWAY
  17. remember you didn't have no seat on ya mafuckin bicycle? now you got your own thread nigguh!(it's funny cause you may know where this is from BUT HE WONT!) Get me mango fruit we need to talk about some shit. tardcrew@graffiti.net
  18. Madball last night was fucking amazing! Terror was on fucking point...hatebreed sucked fat cock............Some real cool numetal loser didn't know that the song ended.So when he went to stage dive landing almost on my buddy who had his back turned(like everyone else in the corwd the band was walking off stage).So me being nice fuck took one for him I think buddy dislocated my shoulder. Same fucking kid jumped off a speaker at a 100 demons show before they even started playing landing on a few girls with their backs turned to him.Real tough buddy you sure showed them chicks your a pitboss!
  19. MADBALL TERROR HATEBREED some time this month in TORONTO......
  21. Alot of people talk shit on me around here for loving the Cro-mags I don't get it? so fucking rad judge haymaker RAHMALLAH so good! Gorilla buiscits no warning godbelow our war 100 demons youth of today FLOORPUNCH is the shit still madball death threat xchampionx blood for bloods old shit terror and yes BURIED ALIVE I'm having brain farts but thats what I get jiggy with
  22. wrong place to be a cock but mes stop and think why you'd see AOR tags in your area????
  23. I'm fat and dress like a fuckwad
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