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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. seeking


    i plan on absolutely dominating the fucking tour in 2007. no competition. none.
  2. seeking


    i finished fourth in the tour de france in 93. that was also my peak drug use year. just saying.
  3. seeking


    is it fixed? google 'rotafix' it will give you a how to on how to get it off. mine was a motherfucker. i was almost sure i was gonna break my frame, my chain or my hub, but eventually it worked. if you cant find the shit, let me know and ill walk you through it.
  4. seeking


    in an act of solidarity, today i will ride nearly a mile both to and from work. stand strong brothers.
  5. seeking


    if they want more than $150 for a wheel set, get em from that site. dude is fast, the wheels are hand built, and they're totally quality. formula hubs are pretty much the standard for mid grade hubs. everyone and their mother rebrands them and sells them as their own (velocity, iro, etc). figuring shit out is really difficult. the easiest way, honestly, is just to take shit apart. until you do that, everything is just kind of greek. one thing though, don't fuck with your bottom bracket unless you absolutely have to. that shit makes absolutely no fucking sense to me, and there are so many variables. eff all that. everything else though, is really pretty simple once you understand it. in order to understand, just google the fuck out of stuff. the search at bikeforums can also give you just about any info you'd ever need. dont know if sheldon is back up yet, but his site is still pretty much the bible for fg/ss knowledge. between all that shit, and shai halud, you should be able to get everything sorted. it all starts with the rear wheel though. until you have that, you don't have anything.
  6. seeking


    ha, thanks, but i got it under control. new wheels, new chain, some white lightning and i'm all good.
  7. seeking


    lord only knows which order you'll find this in isaac. the prices quoted to you are pretty reasonable. cogs run anywhere from $10 to $40 or so. lock rings are $10-20. you can get good wheels off ebay for under $150. http://www.greatdealsonbikes.com mavic cxp-22's, formula hubs. $135. solid wheels, solid hubs. can't beat it.
  8. seeking


    lord only knows which order you'll find this in isaac. the prices quoted to you are pretty reasonable. cogs run anywhere from $10 to $40 or so. lock rings are $10-20. you can get good wheels off ebay for under $150. http://www.greatdealsonbikes.com mavic cxp-22's, formula hubs. $135. solid wheels, solid hubs. can't beat it.
  9. seeking


    'i never thought something like this could really happen to a guy like me...' don't hate cause i pointed out the obvious. ;) top tube protectors give hipsters one more thing to make flourescent colored. personally i rock a double layer of electrical tape, but i'm grimey like onyx.
  10. seeking


    anyone else see the pic of the bikes next to the tree and the clothes on the rock and think 'oh man, they're totally doing gay shit in the woods'?
  11. seeking


    hmm. well...it's waterproof, so if you bike into the river, you'll be cool up to 30 meters. did you try angling it down a bit? i suppose just return it and ask for something with a more powerful, wider beam. as for fixed wheels, just get a set off ebay. way cheaper than you could build yourself.
  12. seeking


    anything with LED's should be fine. nashbar has a ton. go for one of the cheaper ones. nashbar always has 10% off codes too. if you're gonna order something, let me know and i'll find one for you.
  13. seeking


    i guess it's just me, but fuck a brooks. simply because everyone and their mom seems to have one on their fixed gear. those shits better be damn comfortable or something.
  14. seeking


    naw, bikeforums.net is fucking morons too.
  15. seeking


    ive been spending some time on bike message boards lately, some of which have fixed/ss sections. i've decided that fixed gear people are complete fucking tools. either they're on some retarded 'if its not fixed it fucking sucks' shit, or they're...well, it mostly seems like that. plus, motherfuckers just have no sense of humor. i guess it's maybe just me, but all the cats i know who ride fixed are writers who hate everything and have no problem laughing at shit. these uptight motherfuckers get all fucking PC and uppity about everything. shit is annoying. thats all. new wheels are getting delivered today. stoked.
  16. seeking


    skidding is a lot easier on my knees/legs. skidding also impresses girl scouts, and there happens to be a lot of them on my commute. true story.
  17. seeking


    haha. i cant remember what im running, but it's the cheapest tire at my LBS. $14. just get something thick and heavy and you'll be fine. or, if you want to order in bulk, nashbar has some cheap tires for $9. get two or three and be set for a year. also, if you're hellbent on skidding all over the place, pick a ratio wiith the highest number of skid patches.
  18. seeking


    i dont know shit about shit. there are plenty of other sources on the internet. google can teach you anything you want to know. i know a couple people who ride fixed gears in detroit, and it just seems like insanity to me. the roads are complete shit and where there arent pot holes and cracks, there are fields of broken glass. just seems like a recipe for disaster. maybe it's just me though.
  19. seeking


    soup, make friends with shai halud. he's right across the bay from you, isn't he? dude knows his shit. whoisueth, stuck seat posts... it may be as simple as wd 40 and twisting, but it also may be a shit load harder. worst comes to worst, a blow torch always works, but it's gonna cost you your paint job. and maybe i just have crazy eyes, but your 'blacked out' wheel set looks remarkably silverish. i take back my anti 46/16 comments from earlier in the week. it's growing on me.
  20. seeking


    hmm. you look remarkably like every dude i hate. weird.
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